She was shaking, a little from the cold, a little from nerves. This race was going to be more challenging than she first realized. Trixie took another look around, this time for any people on the site. The construction crews were long gone and she didn’t see any patrolling security guards.

Instead of answering his question, Trixie took Cy by the hand, lead him onto the track, and pushed him up against a wooden hoarding, planting a kiss on him there. She gripped the back of his neck with one hand and placed her other up against his stomach. His abdominal muscles were impossibly well-defined. Cy's fingers went to her naked back. Trixie wasn’t planning on having anything more than an evening of fun, but based on the washboard she was feeling now, it might evolve into more. She parted from their kiss to lightly nibble on his ear.

“I was chilly, but something tells me that won't be a problem much longer.”

Cy kissed her neck. Trixie could feel her cleft swell in reaction to his lips, radiating warmth into her body. Dusk was falling around them and she didn’t care. The desire in her loins was fast approaching that point where she stopped thinking about their surroundings. No, she needed to slow down a bit. This was not the place to unleash herself completely. There were other roads to satisfaction that could be explored first.

Trixie ran her fingers through his hair as they kissed again and wrapped a leg around his waist. Was this how she held back? It was all the permission Cy needed to go a little further. His tentative behavior melted away as strong hands gripped her waist. He lifted her off the ground as she clutched his back for balance. Cy swayed a little, but her weight was virtually negligible to him. He might be slender, but he was built like an oak. Cy walked them to a row of bleachers where he gently set her down on a long bench.

There was still enough light in the darkening sky that she could see his eyes. There was lust there, but also restraint as he hovered above her body. His hand stroked the inside of her leg, but didn't go any higher as they kissed. They were already past that point in her mind, but well-raised boys didn't presume. Trixie lifted her dress up.

“Don’t hold back for my sake.”

Cy nodded and headed between her legs. He nuzzled the bridge of his nose against

her mound and inhaled. Trixie moaned and arched her back. She was already wet and the smell of her sex seemed to empower Cy. His thumb stroked her nethers, circling and delving only insofar as her underwear allowed.

“Take them off,” she begged.

With surprising strength, his fingers grasped her panties and effortlessly tore them from her body. Suddenly her lips were exposed to the cool alpine air, and without the slightest discomfort. He may as well have been tearing through paper.

Trixie had to question whether she was losing her senses. She barely knew Cy. Trixie had taken guys back to her place the same night as meeting them, but the speed of this hook up was breaking all records. Had even an hour passed yet? She didn’t care anymore. Her mind was made up. Cy would get the works, but she would take her pound of flesh as well.

If Cy felt bad about tearing off her panties, he apologized by lapping his tongue against her swollen node. Trixie bent her legs back, fully exposing her breach. He increased the rhythm of his licking and drew back on her labia until she slipped from his mouth. Trixie was proud of her cleft. Not only did the carpet match the drapes, but she was more accommodating than her slender frame suggested. She pulled his hand up to her mouth and sucked on one of his fingers, giving him a sneak peek of what was to come.

Cy’s eyes widened at the gesture. Clearly he had a good imagination. He promptly dove back between her legs again until she was brimming with dew. Her juices didn’t slow his enthusiasm in the least. Instead of coming up for air, he draped her legs over his broad shoulders. Trixie’s belly reeled with approaching release. He retrieved his hand and brought it between her legs, never stopping the whiplash of his tongue.

“Oh… whatever you’re doing… don’t stop,” she barely managed.

Trixie spread her legs wider apart and Cy slipped two fingers between her lips, driving them upwards against the slippery roof of her cavern while continuing to flick the enlarged nub of her entrance.

“That… that… whatever you do, don’t stop doing THAT!” she cried as the sensation grew, reached a peak, and then spilled over the side.

Trixie became a river of honey. She could barely breathe. Cy was probably drowning. She stifled a scream, which only made the release more intense, but he refused to stop there, riding her bucking hips as she gushed. He gripped her naked thighs to hold them steady and licked her continuously until the tremors mercifully stopped.

Trixie propped herself up to see him again. He was wiping his chin and mouth clean, grinning with accomplishment. She couldn’t begrudge him that. He took pride in his work.

“Did I break your jaw?”

“You tried, but I’m not easily discouraged. Sorry about your underwear. They, um, got in the way,” he said.

“My panties be damned. Are you sure that wasn’t too much?” Trixie asked, combing a mess of disheveled ginger hair out of her face with one hand.

“I wouldn’t have it any other way,” he said.

“You didn’t exactly give me a choice. My head is still spinning.”

“Catch your breath,” Cy suggested, smoothing her dress down. He stood up and moved to sit behind her on the bleachers, “There’s no rush”

Trixie laughed at the irony of that statement. She leaned against him, resting shakily against his chest. “I may be jelly right now, but it’s only temporary.”

Cy smiled easily. “That’s your fault. You shouldn’t taste so good. I didn’t want to stop. You were like…” he looked off to one side, consulting with his thoughts again, “peach mead, if that even exists.”

“I don’t think it does.”

“Well it does now. That was as much for me as it was for you.”

“Such a gentleman.”