“A Pink and a Marshal against a squadron?” Troost

grinned, and it only looked a little forced. “I almost feel bad for them. Now, let’s get you on the move so that I can get on the move. ”

Maria asked, “You’re taking Sally and Caleb out? Tonight?”

“Yes, ma’am, I’m getting them as far from the blast zone as I can. Orders right from the top, from Uncle Grant this time. ”

Henry said, “I was under the impression he hadn’t been too helpful so far. ”

Troost started to roam the room, packing up small items and throwing them into a satchel. “He’s a sad old drunk who’s sitting in a nest of vipers, but he’s not a bad sort—and I don’t know what convinced him, but I can make a guess or two. Uncle Abe implied that Miss Haymes showed up to give him a heart-to-heart in person. But you know how it is with telegrams. You have to guess at half the detail. ”

Maria tapped her fingernail on the table beside the telegraph key. “So, Henry, how fast can that carriage of yours run? It seemed a bit slow-going on the way here—not that I’m complaining, of course. ”

Troost announced, “I have a better idea. ”

Henry grinned. “I told her you might,” he said, as Troost passed him a small packet of paper.

“Take this down to the dirigible docks on Missionary Ridge. Henry, you know the place?”

“I can find it. ”

“Got you a two-seater reserved. It’ll be cold flying—and I expect that might be hard on a delicate magnolia like yourself, Miss Boyd, but—”

“Hush your ridiculous mouth. ”

“—but if you’re living on the Chicago lake, I figure you’ll survive the discomfort. Now, the craft’s reserved under the name Henry Fisher, courtesy of the Texas Rangers. I ran it that way because your stars ain’t too different, and if I’d put it under the Marshals, they’d have put me under arrest. Sorry, but you’ll have to fib it as a brown. How’s your Republican accent?”

“Passing fair,” he drawled.

Troost leaned on the table and gave him a critical eye. “Tell ’em you’re from the islands. Say Galveston. The vowels aren’t as long, and most Texians only halfway consider the Gulf part of their country anyway. ”

“Got it. ”

“Miss Boyd, you’re traveling as Mary Wilson. I tried to think of something more bland than that, but I failed. I hope it’ll do. ”

“It’ll work just fine, thank you. How did you come up with all this so … so quickly?”

Henry flashed Troost a look that suggested he’d like to know, too, but Troost didn’t feel like sharing. “Tricks of the trade,” he said, and that was all. “Now get a move on. Every mile they go is another mile you have to chase them. ”

“God knows what we’ll even do when we catch them,” Henry sighed.

Maria said, “We’ll tell them the truth. It’s all we’ve got. ”

“Sadly, it’s the best we’ve got. Troost, thanks for all your help. ”

“I’d say ‘anytime,’ except I wouldn’t mean it. Stop those fellows before they do something we’ll all regret—them most of all. When I get to the District, I’ll try to arrange papers from Uncle Grant to make explanations for you. Until then, just make sure they don’t shoot you if you get caught. ”

“That was part of the plan already,” Maria assured him.

“You know what I mean. Now, make a run for it, make it good, and start practicing your story. ” Then he gazed hard at Maria, as if she’d given him an idea. Maria didn’t like the feel of it, almost as if he was staring right through her … and perhaps he was. Then he snapped his fingers and said, “You remember your old friend Hainey, Miss Boyd?”

Calling the air captain an “old friend” was a little much, but she let it ride. “He’s a difficult man to forget. ”

“I might be able to drag him into this. Might need to, in fact. I can’t be everywhere at once—I’m good, but I’m not that good—so I’ll need somebody…”

“Somebody as good as you?” she supplied.

He balked at answering. “As good as me? I don’t know about that. But I’ll fire up the taps and see if I can’t flag him down. I’d love to have some help in the District, and I could do much worse than him. ” Before Henry could volunteer them, Kirby clarified, “Not you two. You’re headed south. You won’t have time to fly back and save the day if it needs saving. Neither will I, I don’t expect. We can’t spread ourselves that thin. So I’ll see who I can press into service. If everything shakes out all right, I’ll see you in the District in another few days. If it don’t … I suppose I’ll see you all in hell. ”