“Yes sir, that’s what they tell me. ”

“I hear you were dealing sap on the Outskirts. Is that why you came inside the wall, for better access to business?”

Rector may have been burned out in the brain, but he wasn’t completely stupid. “No sir, I’m leaving those ways behind me,” he said, wondering if he was lying. “I came inside the wall because I’m eighteen now, and the orphan’s home threw me out to seek my fortune. ”

“Not a lot of fortune to be found around here, son. ”

“I don’t need a lot of fortune. I just need a roof over my head and some supper once in a while. ”

The captain didn’t say anything, only held his steady stare. Rector gave it back, mostly because he was too tired to be flustered, not because he was feeling particularly brave. Eventually, Cly sighed. “Zeke says you were good to him in the Outskirts, and that’s worth something. But he also told us you’re the one who gave him the maps that led him in here. I’m not sure how good a friend that makes you. ”

“I was trying to help. ”

“Maybe you’re young enough to believe that, and maybe you know better. But if Zeke likes you, I guess…” If he had more to say about the value of Zeke’s endorsement, he changed his mind. “Anyway, welcome to Seattle. If you want to hang out around the Doornails, stay out from underfoot and find ways to make yourself useful. Otherwise, maybe you’ll find that minimal fortune you seek out at the Station. ”

His closing words were spoken in a friendly tone. Somehow, they still sounded like a threat.

The captain gave the boys a tiny salute, barely a dip of his head, and went back underneath the dirigible. From under there, he added, “Zeke, if you want to run off and show this kid whatever Houjin hasn’t showed him, that’s fine with me. Houjin, I might require your assistance here in a few minutes. ”

“Yes sir,” Houjin said, sounding only slightly disappointed. Then he perked up. “Are you almost done with the engine upgrades?”

“Yes. ”

“Can we move on to the hydrogen setup next?”

“Yes. ”

“Did you get all the parts you needed from Portland?”

“Yes. ”

“Even the thruster you weren’t sure you could find?”

“Got one that’ll do in a pinch. ”

“Can I have the old one?”

“I suppose. ”

“Do you care if I take it apart?”

Wearily, the captain said, “No, I don’t care if you take it apart. Hey, Huey? Never mind what I said just now; how about you run off with those two for the afternoon? We can get started on the hydrogen tanks tomorrow. I think I’d rather take my time on the engine than have you rushing me. ”

“Didn’t mean to rush you, sir!” he chirped, then grabbed Zeke and Rector by one elbow each. As he hauled them away from the craft, he whispered, “Quick, before he changes his mind. ”

Once they were out of earshot, back by the Chinatown entrance—a black, gaping hole in the ground that could’ve gone anywhere, for all Rector knew—Zeke used that same elbow to jab Houjin in the ribs. “You did that on purpose. ”

“I’d rather work on the tanks than the engine. But I knew he wasn’t going to start on the hydrogen until tomorrow. ”

“I wish I had your knack for driving him crazy so he’d send me away. ”

Houjin grinned inside his mask. “Apparently you do. ”

“Not on purpose. ” He sighed. “I’m no good at ship work, and I don’t like it. I don’t know why he insists on trying to teach me. ”

“Yes, you do,” Houjin argued.

Rector asked, “Why?”