Alex insists on paying, saying that it was his idea to invite everyone to the restaurant, and after much arguing, Joanne and Ricky finally give in, but only because Alex promises to let them get the next dinner.

While Alex pays, Joanne and I slip away to the ladies’ room.

“Wow, Katie girl,” Joanne says once we’re in the privacy of the bathroom. “You’ve hit the jackpot. Alex is loaded, hot, and he’s crazy about you.”

“Do you think so?”

“It’s obvious. He couldn’t keep his eyes or his hands off of you.”

Leaning against the vanity, I bite my lip.

“What?” she asks. “You’ve got that look that says you’ve got something on your mind.”

I regard her from under my lashes. “I’m falling for him. Hard.”

“No one can blame you. On top of being ridiculously successful, he’s also amazingly nice.”

“He is, isn’t he?” A warm, fuzzy feeling spreads through my body. “I told him I’m falling in love with him.”

“Wow.” She makes big eyes. “What did he say?”

“That it made him happy. In fact, I’ve moved in with him.”

“What?” She squeals and grabs my hands, squeezing them tightly. “That’s perfect then. I couldn’t be happier for you.”

“It’s kind of scary,” I admit as she releases me. “I’ve never had feelings this strong. It makes me realize that what I felt for Tony was closer to friendship than romantic love.”

“That’s because your decision to be with Tony was a logical one. It involved more of your brain than your heart. Alex is all about your heart, and we always feel stronger when it comes from the heart.”

“Like Ricky?”

A dreamy look comes over her face. “Yes. Like my Ricky.”

“Your Ricky? It sounds serious.”

She utters a contented sigh. “We’re perfect for each other. We both work long hours, so he understands that I’m not always available. It takes away the pressure of being in a relationship with someone who doesn’t appreciate what my career involves. He respects my career choice, and he’s very supportive.”

“You do complement each other perfectly. He seems very caring and sincere.”

“He is.” She smiles brightly. “I’m so glad Alex and Ricky hit it off as well. It’s not always easy for couples to get along.”

“You’re right, but I think it’s because they’re both making an effort.”

“We’re lucky,” she says, “and we’d better get on with our business before the men come looking for us.”

We slip into two open stalls. When I’m done washing my hands, I use the opportunity to swallow an aspirin for my headache.

“How’s your mom?” Joanne asks when she steps out and squirts soap into her palm. “Did she settle in okay?”

“She looked a bit lost when we left, but she’s strong. She’ll be fine.”

Joanne rinses her hands and dries them on a paper towel. “That was beyond kind of Alex. What a generous gesture.”

“Indeed.” I follow her to the door. “I feel a little indebted, though.”

“Don’t,” she says from over her shoulder. “He wouldn’t have done it if he didn’t want to.”

“That’s what I’ve been telling myself.”

The men are waiting just outside the door. I give a little start, not having expected Alex in the corridor.

“Did we make you wait long?” I ask. “I thought you’d be out front.”

“Just making sure you’re safe,” Alex says.

He says it almost jokingly, but despite the casual tone, there’s a strain to his voice. He really is obsessive about my safety.

Hooking my arm through his, I give him a smile. “Thank you for being my knight in shining armor.”

He stiffens a bit, his expression darkening, but he says nothing as he leads the way to the coat room.

“Did I say something wrong?” I ask softly enough for only him to hear as he gets our coats.

He looks down at me. “No.”

“Alex,” I whisper while Ricky helps Joanne into the sleeves of her coat. “You’re upset about something.”

“Not upset.” He cups my cheek. “Just hoping I’ll never disappoint the image you’re holding of me.”

“You can’t.” I wrap my arms around his waist. “You’re far too perfect.”

“And only a man, I’m afraid,” he says, kissing the top of my head.

“Shall we go?” Joanne asks as she and Ricky approach.

“We’ll drop you off on the way,” Alex offers.

“That’s mighty kind,” Joanne says. “Thank you.”

As she and Ricky waltz out ahead of us, I steal a glance at Alex. His features are tight, the steely blue of his eyes hard. None of that takes away from the warm glow in my chest.

It doesn’t matter that he’s an oligarch and a kind of mafia in his own right. To me, he’ll always be my white knight.


When we wake up the following morning, Alex pulls open the curtains to reveal a white landscape and snowflakes drifting down. The snowfall is heavy for November.

Alex doesn’t involve me in his business, but living with him has taught me that he’s a workaholic, jumping on calls with Russia and answering emails at all times of the day and night. The fact that he puts work aside to spend time with me whenever my schedule allows only makes me appreciate him more. When my shift starts at ten in the morning, like today, he insists on serving me breakfast in bed.