Ignoring them, I look over to where I last saw Alex. Despite the packed room, he’s easy to spot. He’s a head taller than everyone else, his hair shining like onyx in the lights of the chandelier. He’s surrounded by an even bigger group of men now, all of whom appear to be vying for his attention. As if feeling my eyes on him, he lifts his head. Our gazes lock over the distance, and he offers me a soft smile. Ignoring his companions, he runs a heated gaze over me, leaving me with no doubt about what’s going through his mind.

I look away. Dania’s speech has unsettled me. Not because of whatever untruths she spewed about Alex marrying her, but because of the one truth she did mention. Alex and I aren’t from the same realities. I don’t belong here, among all these rich and famous people with potentially shady connections. I don’t know how to navigate this complicated world he’s created for himself. But I’ve never been a quitter, so I shoot back the rest of my drink, leave my glass next to the one with Dania’s lipstick imprint, and walk around until I spot a group of relatively friendly-looking women.

“Hi,” I say when I reach them. “I’m Kate. Am I the only one here not knowing anyone?”

A woman with wavy auburn hair gives a tight smile. “It would appear so.” She turns her back on me, and they carry on with their conversation.

Fine. Definitely not a group I want to get to know better. Keeping an eye on Alex, who is now doing vodka shots with another man, I try to make my way over to him, but it’s difficult to get through the sea of people.

Giving up, I veer toward the terrace on the left, exhaling a sigh of relief when I step through the double doors into an empty space. The terrace is covered for the winter and warmed by gas heaters. Ashtrays are scattered on the tables. This must be the smokers’ corner. For the moment, it’s thankfully void of smokers, or at least that’s what I think before I spot the quiet figure in the far dark corner.

“Oh.” I give a start. “I didn’t notice you.”

“You sound guilty,” a male voice replies. “Did you come out here for a forbidden cigarette?”

There’s a foreign accent to his English, slight enough that I wouldn’t have noticed if it weren’t for the way he rolls his Rs.

The man steps from the shadows, his tall, broad form making the big terrace feel crowded in the same way Alex makes a room feel too small.

He walks over to me in long, unhurried steps. His blond hair is cut short, similar to how Alex wears his, and his square chin is dimpled. His eyes are the most unique green color, a mix between turquoise and emerald, and his gaze is arresting as he watches me.

Taking a packet of cigarettes from his pocket, he shakes one out and holds it to me. “Need a partner in crime? Someone to seduce you into doing something you shouldn’t?”

I shake my head. “I don’t smoke, but thanks.”

He pushes the cigarette back into its packet and puts it away. “Escaping the crowd of good, amiable people?” he asks with a cynical smile.

“Something like that.”

Leaning closer, he says, “You don’t look like a good and amiable person.”

I frown. Is he insulting or complimenting me? “I’m not sure how to take that.”

When he lifts his hand, I freeze, but he just tucks a strand of hair that’s escaped my French roll behind my ear. Leaning in even closer, he opens his mouth to answer, but a loud voice booming from the door makes both of us jump.

“Get your fucking hands off her.”


Ignoring the threat in Alex’s furious tone, the man puts his lips next to my ear and whispers, “You can take that as a warning.”


Alex closes the distance in three long strides and pushes me behind his back. Fisting his hand in the lapel of the man’s jacket, he growls, “I’ll fucking crack your skull in two.”

The man raises his hands. “We were just getting acquainted.”

“You don’t get acquainted with her.” Alex gives the guy a shake. “You don’t talk to her. If you value your life, you don’t put a finger on her. The only reason I’m not offing you is because of the favor I owe you.” Letting him go with a shove, Alex adds grimly, “Consider us even.”

Grinning, the man straightens his jacket. “To be fair, I was here before her.”

“Get out of my sight before I change my mind about crushing your thick skull like a nut.”

“I’m out,” the stranger says with a smirk, not glancing in my direction as he walks back into the hall.

I stare at Alex with my heart thumping in my chest as he turns back to face me. His features are set in harsh lines, the look in his eyes scary. He threatened the guy’s life, but that was only overprotective testosterone talking. Right?