I barely get a few licks in before he catches my face in one big hand, his fingers splayed over my cheeks.

His voice is thick with lust. “Enough. You’ll make me come like this.”

Tightening his hold, he pulls me closer and kisses me fervently before letting me go to roll on the condom.

With his hands under my armpits, he drags me back onto his lap and guides me onto my knees. I barely have time to take a breath before he lowers me over his erection, sheathing himself inside my body to the hilt.

The stretch makes my back arch with pleasure. As always, it’s a tight fit, a little uncomfortable, but I’m aroused enough not to mind the burn.

The car speeds along, taking the exit to his neighborhood as he starts pumping. The light in his eyes is as feverish as his earlier kisses. He seems to want to stamp his ownership on me with his powerful thrusts.

Gripping my nape, he brings my mouth to his, whispering over my lips, “Come with me.”

Always knowing how to get me there, he steals a wet, greedy kiss before pushing me back with a hand on my shoulder and sliding his free hand between our bodies. I have to catch my weight with my hands on his knees to keep my balance as he presses his thumb to my clit. It only takes a few strokes to send me over the edge. I come even before we’re halfway home, my inner muscles clenching hard around him. He follows with a grunt, lifting his hips to penetrate me even deeper as he fills the condom with his release.

When it’s all over, I feel depleted. My limbs are useless, shaking like jelly. He presses me close, cradling me against his chest, and plants a kiss on the top of my head. We sit like that for a while, semi-naked without breaking our physical connection. I’m already dozing off when Alex nudges me gently.

“We’re almost home,” he says, my cue for getting dressed.

He adjusts my clothes and gets rid of the condom, wrapping it up in a tissue before dropping it in a trash bag he must keep handy for quickies in his car. He then fixes his own clothes and stuffs my torn underwear into his pocket. By the time Yuri gets my door, the only evidence of what has happened in the back of the car is my disheveled hair and what I can only imagine to be my smeared makeup.

Ushering me out of the car, Alex rushes me inside and up the stairs. It’s as if the sex in the car never happened. We barely make it to the landing before he drags me down to the floor. It’s a good thing it’s late because I’d hate for Marusya or one of his bodyguards to walk in on us in our compromising position.

I’m out of my dress and naked on the carpet in seconds, with Alex buried so deep inside me I no longer care where we are. I revel in his brutal claiming, knowing how much he wants me as I give him my all. This time, he comes inside me, somehow making what we started in the car feel complete.

It’s only later when I’m drifting off in his arms in bed, exhausted and thoroughly used but happy, that I recall the strange words Adrian had spoken. There’s only one way to interpret those words.

He’d told me the same thing Dania had, that I don’t belong here.


My mom beams as Alex takes her on a tour of his house. She sent me a text message first thing this morning after seeing a tabloid photo of us that was taken at the party. Joanne sent me a few links from online gossip rags, joking that I’m famous. I can’t say I’m pleased. I’ve never liked being in the spotlight, but this is what dating Alex is going to be like, so I guess I’d better get used to it.

I tag along with my mom and Alex, not mentioning that it’s my first official tour too. Alex wanted to show me around the morning after our first date, but I ran out on him before he had a chance. Since moving in, I’ve discovered the rooms by myself.

“This is so cozy,” my mom says as Alex shows her his indoor pool.

She ooohs and aaahs as we visit the sauna, gym, kitchen, and upstairs level. When we enter the walk-in closet, she gives a squeal.

“You’ve moved in together.” She grabs my hand. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

“It was a bit sudden and soon,” I say, glancing at Alex.

“Not soon enough,” he says with meaning.

A private look passes between us.

“I’m so happy for both of you.” Mom lets me go to give Alex a hug.

To his credit, he doesn’t try to escape the maternal gesture. I’m only thankful she doesn’t try to ruffle his hair or pinch his cheeks.