At the sight of his bony ass buried between the blonde’s pale thighs, I literally threw up. Just barfed right there in the doorway. Tony and his blond squeeze were forced to step through the vomit to leave the apartment.

It was actually quite funny, especially after the fact.

Forcing my attention back to the present, I give my friend a sarcastic smile. “Yes, you are all-seeing and all-knowing, Miss Grand Psychic. How could I have ever doubted your wisdom?”

“That’s right. How could you have?” Joanne grins at me. “But back to your Russian billionaire. Are you going to do it?”

“Do what?”

“Sleep with him.”

I shoot her an incredulous look. “Um, no. The guy basically told me all he wants is sex. Besides, don’t you think it’s sketchy that someone wants to kill him?”

“That part is a bit problematic.” She looks thoughtful for a moment, twirling a strand of reddish-gold hair around her finger. “Don’t all wealthy people attract crazies, though? Isn’t that why they have bodyguards in the first place?”

“I don’t know. I just don’t need those complications in my life right now.”

“Honestly, Katie girl, there’s nothing that complicated about having sex with a guy you’re attracted to. When was the last time you had awesome, mind-blowing sex?”

I can’t recall. “Not for a while,” I admit.

Actually, maybe never. My best sex was with my college boyfriend after we’d gotten drunk and smoked weed, and even that had been just pretty good.

“In that case, you’re way past due. Did that douchebag even give you orgasms?” She’s obviously referring to Tony.

“Sometimes,” I say reluctantly.

“Oh my God, I’m so glad he’s out of your life. It should’ve been every single freaking time.”

I scoff. “Look who’s talking. When was the last time you went on a date, much less got laid?”

“Hey, at least I have an excuse. I work too much and don’t have time for boyfriends. You, on the other hand, actually had a boyfriend.”

“Whatever.” I sigh. “I don’t know if I can simply sleep with a guy like that. I’m more of a relationship person.”

“Relationships with boring-as-hell guys? How well has that worked out for you?”

Not that well, I have to admit, since I’m twenty-five and single.

“You see!” Her eyes glitter with triumph. “Something clearly needs to change in your approach. Let loose for a change and stop going for your usual, overly logical choice. A hot Russian billionaire wants to take you to bed? Why not freaking let him?”

* * *

Why not, indeed?

Joanne’s words linger in my mind as I walk down Broadway, heading toward the Staten Island Ferry. Once every couple of weeks, I meet my Manhattan-dwelling friends somewhere downtown and then take the ferry to visit my mom. Today is one of those times, and I’m glad I made the plans earlier in the week. I don’t want to sit home and brood about my strange reaction to a man I’ve known for all of five minutes.

Why had he affected me so strongly? The way all my senses focused on him had been both frightening and exhilarating. Even now, just thinking about him, my heart beats faster and my belly tightens with excitement.

This is ridiculous. I haven’t even kissed the guy. How can he turn me on so much? I have no idea what he’s like in bed. For all I know, he’s a wham-bam-thank-you-ma’am type who just wants to have a quickie with a pretty nurse. Yet I can’t stop thinking about him, imagining all the delicious things he might do to me if I took him up on his offer.

Why am I so drawn to him? Is it the aura of power he projects? I can’t deny I find strong men attractive, even if Alex intimidates me on some level. Something feminine deep within me likes the idea of a bigger, more powerful man, someone who can protect me from dangers both real and imaginary. With his air of calm confidence and male arrogance, Alex definitely gives off that vibe in spades.

Now that I know who he is, I’m not surprised he came across the way he did. Although I’ve never heard of him specifically, I know a bit about Russian oligarchs and the sway they have in Russia. The man is a ruler in his corner of the world. My friend Nadia, a Ukrainian nurse who works in the Pediatric ER Department, told me about the so-called New Russians and their ruthless rise to the top in post-Communist Russia. Their history sounded brutal and mafia-like, and I bet things haven’t changed that much since. No wonder the man had bodyguards. Who knows what he did to piss someone off?

Yes, Alex Volkov is definitely bad news. It would be smart to avoid any involvement with him.

Still, I can’t get him out of my head. I’ve never dated any Russian men, although I’ve been asked out by plenty. Coney Island Hospital is located in an Eastern European area of Brooklyn, and many of my coworkers and patients come from the local Russian or Ukrainian community. For an American, I’m fairly well versed with Alex’s culture and can even speak a few words of his language. Not that I’d need to use my minuscule linguistic skills. Alex is obviously fluent in English.