“If you’re on bed rest, they’re not about to let you go dancing.”


“Jesus,” I mutter. “If you will go to bed and let me sleep, I’ll take you to dinner Friday.”


“If the doctor says it’s okay. But you make an appointment for a check-up with him, too. I want to be there. It’s time they examined you out better and we had an ultrasound done.”

“I’m getting good care, Reed!”

“Just do it, Chas. If you don’t, I will, but one way or another, I want it done. If you do it, you can ask about getting out. If I do it, I won’t give a damn if you never leave the apartment.”

“Wow, Reed. That’s real nice. I swear all I am to you is an incubator,” she snaps, slamming the door.

I lay there, wishing for the millionth time I could go back in time and erase all signs of Chasity Newberg from my life….

42 Mitch

“I’m telling you, Mitch, I’m over this shit. He treats me like dirt under his fingernails. And this being sober all the time is killing me. If it wasn’t for the shit that you smuggle me, I’d be a basket case,” Chasity whines.

I don’t think I’ve realized just how annoying her voice is. It’s starting to ruin my buzz. I take another toke, tuning out all the bitching she does. I look over at her to see her snorting even while she’s bitching. I guess that takes talent.

“Are you even listening?” she huffs, and I close my eyes so she can’t see me roll them.

“Yeah, baby, I hear you. We just have to work it a little longer. You help me get Callie Street and I’m going to set you up good.”

“How do you figure that? Because I’ve got to tell you, Mitchie, right now, I’m asking myself why I’m jumping through hoops for you. It stopped being fun a while back. Why are you torturing your brother anyway? Callie Street can’t be worth that. I doubt her pussy is made of gold.”

I exhale, letting the smoke roll around me, thinking about juicy little Callie. I’m getting close to getting between her legs again. She’s vulnerable and she’s always looking for approval. Parents can really fuck with your head. Chasity and I are both proof of that. Callie is, too. The difference is, she doesn’t even know it.

I thought she was going to cave last night, but she stopped me at the last minute. I’m not sure why I’m putting in so much effort, to be honest. She’s got this tender side to her. I was sick last week, and she actually made me soup and waited on me, going so far as to wash my damn clothes. She was a regular mother hen. I’ve never had that, and I have to admit it felt good to know someone cared if I lived or died. She does have a sweet mouth, too. Then, there’s the fact that I know I’m the only man who has ever been between her legs. One night she confessed that Reed wouldn’t go all the way with her. He wanted to make sure it was right or some shit. I let her know in no uncertain terms that I wanted her to the point that I couldn’t hold back, and I didn’t know a man that could, if he truly wanted a woman, then I brought her hand down to my erection so she could feel me.

I’m slowly training her to think that Reed never truly desired her. I’m doing it in ways that she doesn’t even realize and that’s fun. Callie is naïve and I’m finding that I have a taste for that as well. You add in all that Callie offers me with the fact that locking her up and tying her to me will fuck over my little brother and make him miserable and truly, that’s the only reason I need.

Chasity? She’s just a cunt who will do what she’s told, and I don’t think she has yet, but I’m pretty sure she’d kill anyone to get what she wants—which is often her next fix. I’ve had to slip shit to her, under Reed’s nose, for a month now. She’s too much of an addict to go without for very long. Luckily for me, my brother stays gone all the time and doesn’t see her snorting. I’m limiting her, it helps to keep her under control.

But, she’s dangerous.

I know her usefulness is coming to an end soon. I’m going to have to figure out what to do with her then. I’ve been kicking around giving her a month’s supply of that shit she loves to snort all at once. She doesn’t have any self-control and I figure she’ll take care of herself for me.

I’ll miss partying with her, but you can always find a girl looking for some fun.