“Never mind what I want with Callie. It’s not like you give a fuck as long as I keep giving you what you want, right?”

She grunts her reply.

“And I’ll keep giving it to you free of charge, all you have to do is keep doing what I tell you,” I promise.

“Fine, but you better hurry and get what you want. Reed is demanding on going to the doctor and getting an ultrasound done. I might have been able to bribe that x-ray tech into helping me fool Reed the first time by doctoring up a false report, but there’s no way in hell he can doctor a live sonogram. Time is quickly running out lover,” she says, falling backwards, sniffing, waiting for the effects of the drugs to hit her.

“Where does he think you’re at today?”

“With my sister. I told him I wouldn’t be back till tomorrow. That means, you can cure all the little aches I have. It feels like I haven’t had sex in a year.”

I roll my eyes. I’m close to fucking Callie. I know it. She was turned on last night. I could have got her drunk or used something to loosen her up, but I like it better if she comes to me of her own free will. I need something to tip her over the edge where my brother is concerned.

“It’s only been a couple of weeks since you fucked me and Liam at the same time, Chasity,” I mutter, rolling over to my side, thinking about my problem—an idea beginning to form.

“That was fun,” she purrs, stretching. She’s either remembering it, or the drugs are starting to hit—maybe both. “Maybe we can do that again before I have to back to prison. God! I dread it. I did manage to get him to agree to take me out Friday, though—so at least there’s that.”

“Liam’s off the table. He’s pissed because I don’t have my share of the rent. He’s kicking me out,” I tell her.

“Bastard,” she mutters.

I’m lying. I do have the rent, but I’m moving out because I want a place that I can take Callie to without them around. They could tell her what I’m like or ask to share her. That would send Callie running. Hell, they could even bring up Chasity and ruin everything. So, a place of my own is definitely needed at this point. Callie makes good money. She can pay most of the rent once I get her to move in with me.

“You say he’s taking you out Friday?”

“Yeah, the bastard is supposed to,” she grumbles.

“Have him take you to the diner for dinner Friday. Time it so that you’re walking out around three.”

“The diner? Shit, Mitch. I wanted him to at least take me to the steakhouse.”

“Just do it and when you come out, I don’t give a fuck what you have to do but you make it look like the two of you are going at it hot and heavy. I’ll make sure Callie sees it.”

“Christ, how do you expect me to do that? Your brother barely looks at me without looking like he wants to throw up. He hates me. I think he suspects that we slipped him something at prom.”

I wince. Yeah, Chasity is going to have to be taken care of. If she’s not, she’ll ruin everything. I can’t have anyone connecting me with her.

“Get inventive. I don’t give a fuck. If I’m right, this last little nudge is all Callie will need. Then, I’ll have her right where I want her.”

“And what will I have?” she pouts.

“All the party favors your little heart could want, Chasity. You can get so high you won’t come down for days.”

Or ever.

“And what about when I run out? I need what you promised, Mitchie. You said a lifetime supply, remember? No holding out on me!”

“I’ll give you a month’s supply starting this month and every other month that you need it, Chasity,” I promise.

“Deal,” she says, sounding as if she just won the lottery.

For once, I’m being completely honest with the bitch. I’m just hoping one month’s supply is all it takes. Shit. Maybe I should lace a few of the products. No one will think twice about it. She’ll be just another addict dying way too soon…

But not soon enough.

43 Callie

“Thanks for going to look at places with me, Callie. I have to find a new place to rent, and my damn truck won’t be ready until tomorrow,” Mitch says as we park.

“No worries. I actually liked the trailer we looked at last and the rent was reasonable, too,” I tell him. “Besides, I like my car. Mildred doesn’t look like much, but she’s dependable.”

I shut the car off and look at him. As strange as it is to say, Mitch has been my lifeline since Reed and I broke up. It’s been almost a month now and if it wasn’t for him and Katie, I’d go insane. I’m not stupid. I know Mitch is doing it because he likes me. I’d be lying if I said that didn’t feel good, too. He showers me with attention. He drops by with pizza or something on the nights I work late, rubs my feet if I had a long day. He goes out of his way to make me laugh… and to make me feel beautiful.