“Not sure that fully sums it up, but yeah. I’ve been trying to get Mom to move out with me, but I’m not getting anywhere.”

“You’re not going back to school next year, are you, Reed?”

“How is it you always know shit about me no one else manages to see, Bluebird?”

“Maybe I just look closer than anyone else,” I tell him, and I truly believe that.

“I like that you do,” he says kissing the top of my head.

I don’t know where Reed and I are headed, but I know being with him feels right. It feels good. We walk inside and spot Jake and Katie right away.

“Hey!” Katie cries, waving like a madwoman. She’s happier than I’ve seen her since the day Jake left, maybe even before that because she thinks Jake leaving is a thing of the past. One look at Jake and I’m not so sure. He looks dejected.

“Hey,” Reed and I answer together, settling in the booth and sitting across from our friends.

“Hey, man,” Jake says as he and Reed share what I call a “man-shake”—which is more alpha-male than a regular handshake.

“Good to see you back, Jake,” Reed says, and I wonder if I’m the only person at this table who can see that Jake’s not happy.

“Not like there were many places to go after the epic fail in Austin,” he mutters and I see Katie flinch—Reed and Jake don’t and I can’t figure out if that’s a good thing or a bad thing.

“Everyone draws a bad horse once in a while, Jake. Doesn’t mean your career is over.”

“I drew the best horse, man. I just choked,” he responds, sounding disgusted with himself. “Let’s just let it go. I don’t want to talk about this bullshit,” he adds. “I couldn’t believe it when Katie told me the two of you were dating already,” he says and his gaze locks on me and I shift uncomfortably.

“I don’t know that you can say we’re dating,” I mumble, feeling uncomfortable.

“I would,” Reed says, casting me a hard look that is full of questions that I’m not ready to answer.

“Slow, remember?” I whisper.

He leans in, his arm snaking around to pull me into his body, enveloping me in his warmth and heat. He nuzzles my neck, kissing my skin in a heated path that I feel deep inside of me. “If we go any slower, Bluebird, we’ll die of old age before we get a chance to get to the good stuff,” he purrs against my ear. His words rob my breath and make my heart stutter in my chest.

My chest feels tight and the air around us seems to thicken. When we pull apart our gazes are locked on one another. My mouth goes dry, and I try to figure out what to say next when Katie breaks the tension between us.

“Reed, did Jake tell you he was going to try for a job at the garage where you work?”

“He is?” Reed asks, unable to keep the surprise out of his voice. “You are?” he asks Jakes directly.

“Yeah, Katie and I are thinking of moving in together and I want to be able to pull my weight,” he says, and I look over at Katie and she’s beaming. I can’t help but feel my stomach lurch and I’m really worried my friend is going to get her heart broken again. The problem is, if it breaks this time, I don’t think she will ever fully recover—her hopes are too high. When I turn my gaze to Reed, I’m afraid that I’m in much the same boat….

29 Reed

One Month Later

“You always do that,” Callie says with a sadness in her voice that makes me hurt.

I don’t have to ask. I know what she’s talking about. I tilt my upper body to look at Callie. Her hand is still on the button of my jeans. We’re making out on the daybed, the stars above us, and just like every single time when things get this far, I freeze up.

“I don’t know what you mean,” I lie, hating the feel of it on my tongue. I never want to lie to Callie, but this one popped out before I could stop it. Then again, no one wants to tell the woman they love, that they freak out whenever she tries to touch them. I don’t even understand why I do it, so I really don’t want to explain it to her.

“Liar,” she sighs out, calling me on my shit.


“If you don’t want me, Reed, you just need to tell me. Maybe all we were ever meant for is just being friends and if that is what is going on, I can deal. I mean, I can’t pretend it won’t hurt, because I want more with you, but at least if I know, I can face the situation head-on.”