“Callie, answer me!” Reed yells moments later. “Open this damn door!” he demands as his fist pounds on the metal door, jarring my body. I can’t talk, the sobs are so intense. Yet, even if I could, I wouldn’t answer him. I’m done. “Callie, damn it, you open this door or I’m coming in to get you.”

“Have we got a problem Mr. Lane?” I hear the principal ask. I don’t hear what Reed says in return. My heart is thundering too loudly. Yet, I notice that the voices are getting quieter and quieter. It’s then I realize that Reed is being led away. I’m thankful. I don’t want to see him right now. It’s not going to be easy, but I need to avoid Reed for a while—at least until I get my head straight.

15 Mitch

“That was pretty fucking fantastic,” I laugh, remembering how my little brother looked when he was led to the office by the principal.

“You sure are enjoying sticking it to Reed,” Chasity says, sounding a little remorseful. I roll my eyes. Every now and then she likes to act like she’s a good person, when, she’s really just the female version of me.

Case in point, we’re currently skipping the last class of the day by sitting in the back of Reed’s truck drinking a cheap bottle of vodka and smoking a joint. I pass the bottle over to Chasity and she relinquishes the joint. Taking a toke, I draw it into my lungs and hold it before breathing it out.

“Don’t go getting a conscious on me now. It’s not like you’re not getting what you want out of this, too.”

She laughs, nearly choking on the vodka. “You mean fucking your brother?” she laughs. “No offense, Mitchie, but your brother’s a little too Dudley Do-Right for me. It wouldn’t surprise me if he’s a virgin.”

I laugh, but don’t say shit, because I figure he is. “Not into cherry popping, Chasity?”

“Fuck, no. I want a man that knows what he’s doing.”

I laugh because I’m pretty much like her. I’d rather have a bitch that knows how to work my cock instead of teaching her. Just another sign that I’m right and Chasity is the female version of me.

“Which leads me to my next proposition,” she purrs as I take another hit. She takes the joint out of my hand without asking. I give her a dirty look, but she ignores it.

“What’s that?” I ask, contemplating hot wiring Reed’s truck.

“I want that thing you promised me,” she says, looking up at me with a filthy grin. I don’t have to ask what it is. I know what it is because she’s been asking for it for months. Ever since she found out me and David Griffin tag teamed Danielle Monte after the homecoming game. We were all three high as fucking kites, and some of the night was sketchy, but I remember it was a fucking good time—literally.

“I’m not sure David would be down. He’s all wrapped up in some cheerleader over at Flintwood,” I tell her. Her full lips curve down into a frown. She’s got them painted an almost black-reddish hue today. I’m twisted enough to really like it. I wonder if they’d paint my cock when she sucks me.

“But you promised,” she whines.

“You just make sure you stick to our plan. Once you’ve got my brother locked away, I’ll fix something up you’ll really enjoy.”

“Like what?” she mutters, eyeing me like she doesn’t believe me.

“How about me and the Kane brothers?” I tease her, mentioning the twins that I hang around with sometimes on the weekends. We’ve never shared a chick together before, but I know they constantly share a woman between them. They’ll agree to add me to the party—especially if I’m providing the girl.

“Three of you?” she asks practically squealing with joy.

“Is that a yes?”

“Don’t you worry. I’ll make sure to have everything set up to break little Callie’s heart,” she giggles.

“You do your part and don’t worry, baby, I will deliver.”

“I’m excited just thinking about it. In fact, I’m all achy. Maybe you can help me out now.”

“I might be persuaded,” I grin, lying back into the bed of the truck.

“Could you now?” she laughs.

I hold her gaze as I unbuckle my belt and undo my pants. Her eyes drop down once my cock is free. I let her stare until she gets her fill. Then, I wrap my hand into her hair, pulling it tight. She cries out from the pain, while I push her mouth down on my cock. I force her to take me deep into her throat.

Fuck yeah.

16 Callie

“How are you doing, Cal?”

I look up at Katie with her question and sigh. She was looking so forward to the prom, and I did my best not to rain on her parade—but when I open my mouth this time, I can’t hold it in.