A moment later, big hands push my thighs apart and I feel Sessah's breath against my folds. "I am pleasing my mate in secret. Now no one can see what I do to her." He hitches one big hand on my buttock, pulling me close, and his mouth nuzzles at my pussy. "And I can feast for as long as I want to."

I moan, my hands sliding under the furs to clutch at his horns.



I wake up the next morning with Sam tucked in my arms. She sleeps heavily next to me, but I notice she is clutching a weapon in her hand once more. Her knife is sheathed, but the presence of it bothers me. This newcomer worries her greatly. I want to pull it from her grip, but if it makes her feel safer, she should keep it.

I gaze down at her, utterly besotted. Sam is so beautiful it makes me ache. My khui is singing loudly in my ears, its song angrier by the day, but we are close. Every day Sam trusts me a bit more to be her mate. Soon we will be one. I just have to last until then. I palm my cock, willing it to go down because she needs her sleep. I feasted on her cunt for a long time last night, until we both came more than once, and it was so warm under the fur that my mane was damp with sweat.

I loved every moment of it.

I ignore my body, entering the pool and swimming until my cock is less painful with need and just a dull ache. I dress, checking on my sleeping mate, and then climb up the vines to check on the male with the snow-cat face.

He is not above. The bed is empty, some of the furs missing, and when I go to look outside, I see fresh footsteps in the snow. Our newcomer has gone adventuring, it seems. I do not know if this is a good or a bad thing, but it worries me just the same. He will not be heading to the beach, at least. It is too far away for him to stumble across. They are still safe.

For a moment, I contemplate going after him. Hunting and stalking like I would prey, staying upwind so he could not scent me. Following and seeing what he is up to.

But it would leave my Sam alone, and the last thing I want is to leave her side. I do not even know if I can. I rub my humming chest. Even now, it feels painful to be this far away from her in the cave. I need her at my side. I need her scent in my nose, her soft laughter in my ears, her hand in mine. She is a craving I cannot shake.

I return to the cave, climbing back down to Sam's side.

She is awake, her eyes wide at my expression. "What's wrong?"

"He is gone. I do not know for how long or if he is coming back."

Sam gnaws on her upper lip with her bottom teeth, making that funny snarl I love. "I don't think he'll go far. It's too cold and he doesn't have a khui. I don't think his shoes were very heavy, either. Did he take food from above?"

I think of the vines, still laden with fruit. "If he did, he did not take much."

"And our food and weapons are down here. So he's coming back." She jumps to her feet, pulling on her leggings. "I don't like it, but we can use this time at least."

"Use it? For what?" I watch her swaying teats as she dresses, fascinated by the way her body jiggles. The tips are soft-looking this morning, but I know when Sam is aroused, they tighten and point and become very sensitive. I want to touch them right now, my cock growing painful with need once more.

She pauses, blinking at me. "We can take this time and hide things, Sessah. He's going to come back, right? So we hide weapons around the cave and make sure that we know where they are, but he doesn't. We hide the rest of our meat, too, and some of the furs. If he leaves again, he'll do so unequipped. That means we can catch him before he can do any harm."

"You think he would do harm?" I ask.

Sam picks up her wrap and binds her teats, to my vast disappointment. "If he tries to get away in the middle of the night without supplies? Hell yeah he's up to no good."

She has a point. "Show me what to do, then. I will follow your lead."

Sam leans over and gives me a kiss on the brow. "I hope I'm overreacting, Ses."

I like that she says my name like that. Like she is claiming me. Like I belong to her. I give her a silly grin and try to ignore my throbbing cock. "What shall we do first?"