Coco: An important naval captain

Cyprian: An ambassador for the court, bastard nephew of Constantine

Giustiniani: An Italian, Constantine’s most important military advisor

Helen: A citizen of Constantinople, Coco’s mistress and Nazira’s friend

bey: A governor of an Ottoman province

boyars: Wallachian nobility

censer: A metal ball with slits or small holes into which one puts burning incense, then swings through the air on a chain; used during religious processions and worship

concubine: A woman who belongs to the sultan and is not a legal wife but could produce legal heirs

dracul: Dragon, also devil, as the terms were interchangeable

fosse: A ditch dug around the exterior of Constantinople’s walls to prevent easy attack

Galata: A city-state across the Golden Horn from Constantinople, ostensibly neutral

galley: A warship of varying size, with sails and oars for maneuvering in battle

Golden Horn: The body of water surrounding one side of Constantinople, blocked off by a chain and nearly impossible to launch an attack from

Greek fire: A method of spraying compressed, liquid fire known only to the Greeks and highly effective in battles

Hagia Sophia: A cathedral built at the height of the Byzantine era, the jewel of the Christian world

harem: A group of women consisting of wives, concubines, and servants that belongs to the sultan

Hodegetria: A holy relic, said to have been painted by an apostle and used for religious protection in Constantinople

infidels: A term used for anyone who does not practice the religion of the speaker

irregulars: Soldiers in the Ottoman Empire who are not part of officially organized troops, often mercenaries or men looking for spoils

Janissary: A member of an elite force of military professionals, taken as boys from other countries, converted to Islam, educated, and trained to be loyal to the sultan

liturgy: Religious worship performed in Latin or Greek, depending on whether the church is Catholic or Orthodox

metre: Loud music performed by Janissary troops as they attack, extremely effective at demoralizing and disorienting enemy troops

Order of the Dragon: Order of Crusaders anointed by the pope

pasha: A noble in the Ottoman Empire, appointed by the sultan

pashazada: A son of a pasha

postern: A small gate designed to let troops in and out of Constantinople through the inner walls

regent: An advisor appointed to help rule on behalf of a king too young to be fully trusted

Rumeli Hisari: A fortress built on one side of the Bosporus Strait as companion to the Anadolu Hisari

spahi: A military commander in charge of local Ottoman soldiers called up during war

Transylvania: A small country bordering Wallachia and Hungary; includes the cities of Brasov and Sibiu