Nazira: Kumal’s youngest sister

Fatima: Nazira’s maid

Amal: A young servant in the palace

Military Figures in the Ottoman Empire

Ilyas: A Janissary commander

Kazanci Dogan: Military leader of the Janissaries

Ivan: A Janissary with a nasty disposition

Matei: An experienced Wallachian Janissary

Nicolae: A Wallachian Janissary and Lada’s closest friend

Petru: A young Wallachian Janissary

Stefan: A mysterious Wallachian Janissary

Tohin: A gunpowder expert

Political Figures in Opposition to the Sultan

Constantine: The emperor of Constantinople

Orhan: A false heir to the Ottoman throne, used by Constantinople as leverage

Skanderberg: Iskander Bey, also known as Skanderberg, a former Janissary and favorite of Murad, now holding the Albanian city of Kruje against the Ottomans

bey: A governor

beylerbey: Governors of the largest and most important provinces

boyars: Wallachian nobility

concubine: A woman who belongs to the sultan and is not a legal wife but could produce legal heirs

dervish: Religious ascetics (mostly from the Sufi branch of Islam) who take vows of poverty

dracul: Dragon, also devil, as the terms were interchangeable

emir: A leader of the Turkmen tribes, Ottoman allies to the east

eunuch: A man who has been castrated, highly valued as a servant and a prestigious slave

hajj: Religious pilgrimage taken to Mecca as one of the Five Pillars of Islam

harem: A group of women, consisting of wives, concubines, and servants, that belongs to the sultan

Janissary: A member of an elite force of military professionals, taken as boys from other countries, converted to Islam, educated, and trained to be loyal to the sultan

Order of the Dragon: Order of Crusaders anointed by the pope

pasha: A noble in the Ottoman Empire, appointed by the sultan

pashazada: A son of a pasha