"Tell me about it. " We left Raquel's office, checking both ways, then walking as calmly and quickly as we could. We were halfway to Raquel's room when I froze in terror at the sound of Anne-Whatever Whatever's voice.

Chapter Twenty-Five


Looking frantically up and down the hall, I let out my breath, relieved. Anne-Whatever Whatever was nowhere to be seen. But I could still hear her, which meant she was way too close for comfort. I put my finger to my lips to shush Jack. He put a finger to his lips, too, but used the middle one instead of the pointer.

"Wait here," I hissed.

I tiptoed down the hall with my back to one of the walls until I got to the corner, where I could make out words.

". . . know about the deal. I assure you I haven't forgotten. " Anne-Whatever Whatever sounded equal parts annoyed and nervous. "We've been tracking their progress, and I'm confident they are no closer to making a gate. "

How did she know about gates? IPCA didn't usually pay attention to faerie lore. I startled, nearly screaming as a hand came down on my shoulder. Jack gave me an exasperated look, leaning in to listen, too.

"And the Empty One?" This voice was definitely not Anne's. It was like birdsong formed into words, and something about it made a spot behind my eyes start hurting. I needed to see who that voice belonged to. I was sure it was a faerie voice, but which one? That wasn't how IPCA officials talked to named faeries.

"I've told you, she's a silly, stupid girl. We'll get her away from her protections and next time she won't escape the Center. "

"Our displeasure is not to be taken lightly. Do not think you can try to gain an advantage over my queen by keeping the Empty One for yourself. "

"You keep up your end of the bargain and get me more names, and I guarantee that Evelyn will never make a gate. Yours will be the only exodus from this world. "

What the crap? If this was what it sounded like-and it sounded like the government agency charged with protecting the world from paranormals was conspiring with the very worst of the lot-it was big. Scary big. No wonder Bud had been nervous. I had to look, had to see if I could tell which court the faerie belonged to. If the Seelie Court was playing all the sides, I was so done with them. I started to lean forward; Jack's hand tightened around my arm like a vise. I shot him a glare. "I need to see," I mouthed. He didn't let go, so I ducked down and peeked my head around the corner.

Anne's back was to me, but I had a full view of the faerie. A faerie with midnight blue hair and eyes, her cold white skin dotted with pricks of light like stars. A faerie straight from the Dark Court. A faerie I knew for sure that IPCA didn't have named.

Which meant Anne-Whatever Whatever was making deals with uncontrollable faeries. Unseelie uncontrollable faeries.

Oh, bleep.

I pulled back, heart racing as I waited for the faerie to yell or sound an alarm. Nothing. Jack and I slipped off down a side hall, taking the long way to Raquel's unit. We made it without incident, then stood there. I shuffled my weight from foot to foot, trying to relieve some of the soreness and wondering how long it would take Reth to figure out where I was and get into Raquel's room.

The door slid open in reply.

Jack and I darted in, letting out twin sighs of relief. Lend, of course, immediately dropped to the floor. Naked, still. I doubted Raquel had anything in his size.

"He was rather upset waking up in the Faerie Paths with me," Reth said.

"I can't imagine. " I quickly scanned Raquel's austere living room area. "There, help me get him into that closet. "

Jack grabbed an arm and we dragged my poor boyfriend across the floor and shoved him into the tiny coat closet next to Raquel's vacuum. I added watching Lend walk to the things I missed most about him.

We closed the door and after a few moments a loud thunk sounded. "What the-Where am I? Evie?"

"Right here," I said, tapping on the door. "You're in a closet in Raquel's unit. "


"Because I'm going to search the rest of her place and I didn't want you to risk brain damage by any more unconscious falls. "

He muttered something unintelligible but distinctly grouchy and I turned, quickly scanning the room. Nothing here but a glass coffee table and a bland gray couch. I'd spent a couple of nights there after I'd gotten trapped in the Center, cleaning up a poltergeist this fall. The couch was both ugly and uncomfortable. Someone seriously needed to teach Raquel a thing or two about interior decorating.

I hoped I'd have the chance.

"You two look around here and the kitchen. I'm going to look through her room. "

I walked in and my breath caught. I'd never been in Raquel's bedroom before; now there was no question in my mind why I hadn't been invited. Prominently displayed on her wall was a framed series of photos from when Raquel was a young woman. They looked suspiciously like engagement pictures, her black hair loose and flowing and her smile brighter and happier than I remembered ever seeing.