I walked into the family room to find Arianna and Jack sitting on the couch, arguing. "But there would have been no point to you being there if it hadn't been for my computer prowess. "

"But your computer prowess wouldn't have mattered if you couldn't have gotten into the Center in the first place. "

"Being a glorified taxi does not make you the bigger hero. "

"Being a nerd who can tap on a keyboard or being able to navigate the dark eternities of the Faerie Paths. . . hmmm. . . which is a rarer and more valuable skill. . . "

I put my hands on my hips. "Okay, kids, take it elsewhere. Raquel and I have work to do. "

"Evie," Raquel said. She was staring at Jack in horror.

"Oh, that. " I waved a hand dismissively. "It's all good. Jack's been helping us. "

"Don't you remember how he tried to kill you?"

Jack rolled his eyes. "Boring. We've all moved on. "


"Not really," I said. "But he's behaving. And everyone needs a glorified taxi now and then. "

"Admit it: you all adore me. " Jack bowed dramatically as he left the room. Arianna smiled tightly at Raquel and left after him.

Raquel collapsed onto the couch and closed her eyes. "You're working with Reth and Jack? Have you lost your mind?"

"Oh, that happened ages ago. But I've had to do a lot of rescuing lately, and those two come in handy. "

"Do you trust them?"

"No, we don't," Lend called from the kitchen.

I smiled. "But, I don't know, I think I've forgiven them. They're both complete idiots, and sometimes they're evil, but they always have a reason, you know? I don't approve of them or trust them, but I understand them. I've done some things I'm not proud of, but at the time they felt utterly necessary. And I'd do them again. " I shuddered at the memory of the midnight faerie's soul, tried not to feel the frosty spread of it through my veins, the distance it seemed to put between my body and me, even the room around me. "Anyway. Right now they're on my side, and I'll take whatever help I can get. "

"As long as you-"

"Raquel!" David said, running into the room. Raquel stood up to greet him and he swept her into his arms and-oh good heavens I never wanted to see anything like this in my life-he smashed his lips against hers.

"Dad?" Lend called from the kitchen. "What's going on?"

"You don't want to know!" I said, my voice high and strained.

They broke apart, gasping, and David held her at arm's length, looking at her like he'd devour her. I didn't know whether to laugh or throw up.

I dug my toes into the carpet, staring at it. "So, uh, I saved Raquel. "

Raquel laughed, and David joined her. They sounded slightly manic. "You're free now," he said.

"Of all of it," she answered, and I looked up to see them locked in a gaze I'd previously only observed between actors on Easton Heights-one filled with all the things unspoken over the years, all the betrayals and fears and pain left behind in favor of overwhelming love. It was beautiful.

Oh, who am I kidding, it was awkward as all heck and I didn't have time for it. "Okay! So, you may have noticed Lend is in the kitchen. "

"Mmm hmm," Raquel answered, reaching up to smooth down a stray piece of David's hair.

"Yeah, that'd be the big faerie curse. "

"Faerie curse?" She actually turned toward me; David took both her hands in his.

"Yup. Really funny one, too. See, any time Lend and I are in the same room or can see each other or could actually, you know, touch, he falls fast asleep. "