The midnight faerie staggered backward, slumping against the wall, and the sight filled me with shame and self-loathing. But I didn't have time for that, either. I stumbled forward and knelt next to Reth.

"Reth? Reth! Are you okay? We need to get out of here. "

He pushed himself up from the ground, his arms trembling in a way that was so human and vulnerable it made my breath catch. I held out my hand and he took it to finish standing and, for the first time ever, my hand was warmer than his.

"Are you okay?" I whispered.

He looked at me and something-something was off. Something was not quite right underneath his glamour. Silently, he held out his other hand to Raquel as a door appeared on the wall in front of us and we walked out of the Center for what I very, very much hoped would be the last time.

Chapter Twenty-Seven


We came through at the edge of the trees by Lend's house. Reth stumbled forward, leaning against a tree for support, his golden glow dampened. Was it really just yesterday I'd come through with Lend, stumbling, while Reth was strong?

"What did she do?" I asked. I'd been too worried to talk in the Faerie Paths, terrified that Reth would collapse before we made it through and we'd be stuck there again. "Are you going to be okay?"

"I am better than you would be if she had hit her intended target. "

I shuddered, taking his hand in mine. Either I was way warmer or he was way colder; I found both options equally disturbing. I already felt weird, with a disconnected buzzing like I'd taken too much cold medicine or something. "I have to go in with Raquel and fix this curse. Why don't you come in and. . . umm, lie down on the couch or something. "

Reth gave me a humorless smile. "In all our time with each other, have I ever struck you as the type to nap on a couch?"

I snickered. "Not really. But it would be entertaining for me, at least. I'll bet you snore, even. "

He looked indignant. "What makes you think I even sleep?"

"Do you?"

"Not in the same way you do. Go and waste your time trying to 'fix' Lend. I will try my best not to die waiting. "

I took a step away, then turned back. "Wait, seriously? Are you going to die?"

He smiled, this time a genuine one. "I knew you cared. Not at the moment, but I will need you for something very soon. "

It felt horrible, abandoning Reth when he was so hurt and messed up. And I knew that I'd do whatever he needed me to if it meant helping him. Lend had to be my priority right now, though. We were heading directly into the middle of a massive paranormal storm, and everything would change. I had to be able to really be with Lend right now, because right now was the only guarantee.

I nodded. "I won't be long. " I turned toward Raquel, who was still standing in the same spot she had been when we came out of the Paths, a dazed expression on her face. "Raquel? You coming?"

"I honestly never thought I would see the light of day again. "

"Aww, come on. With me on your side? Of course things worked out. "

She tried to smile, but her eyes filled with tears. "Thank you, Evie. "

I threw my arms around her in a hug. "You don't have to thank me. "

"I really do. You wonderful girl. I've missed you so much. "

"Well, now that we're both unemployed fugitives, think of how much time we'll have to hang out!"

She laughed drily, and we walked with our arms around each other to the house. I opened the door and yelled, "Evie alert! Coming into the family room!"

"You made it!" Lend shouted back. "Just a sec, I'll go to the kitchen. Raquel's with you?"


"Good job! Jack and Arianna got back a couple of minutes ago. "