“I don't want you to! Why should I believe you, after you let Vivian into the Center! Are you going to pick her up next? How long have you been working with her?”

He smiled. “Oh, yes, that evening was a nice bit of choreography. But, I assure you, I've not been 'working with her,' as you put it. I needed a new name and you seem to work best under stress. I wouldn't have allowed anything to happen to you. Still, it hasn't been easy, getting involved in the dreary workings of the court again, and you've sorely tried my patience. When we finish, you might stand a chance of justifying my involvement. ”

I shook my head in disbelief. “That's really what it was about? All those paranormals died so you could force me into a situation where I'd give you that command?”

“Well, yes. But we've got to move along. ”

“Why couldn't you leave me alone? I was fine! You have your stupid new name. Why didn't you just stay in the Faerie Realms?”

“Because they were about to find you, my love. I could only hide your location for so long before they caught on. Vivian is on her way there right now. ”

I covered my mouth, shaking my head in horror. “No, she can't--she'll--Take me back! Right now! I've got to warn them!”

Reth sigh

ed, crossing his legs. “They don't matter. And you have yet to be filled. ”

“I don't want any more of your disgusting soul!”

He narrowed his eyes, angry. The sky twirled from yellow to nearly black, wind whipping my dress. “My dear girl, you've no idea what I am sacrificing to keep you alive; to secure your eternity. It comes at great cost, and I'm not about to waste all the effort it took to make you by throwing you at Vivian. ”

“You--you made me?” It was too horrible to imagine.

“My court made you. We had to have something to balance against theirs, after all. ”

“Oh, I know all about your court,” I spat. “And I'm not doing anything for the Unseelie faeries!”

He gave me a puzzled look once again. “What makes you think I'm Unseelie?”

“I'm not stupid! Unseelie faeries are the evil ones!”

“I absolutely agree. Horrid, the lot of them. We would have made you sooner, but we didn't know they had succeeded with Vivian. Still, there's time. If you'll give me your hand. ” He stood.

“Never. ” I glared at him, so angry I was shaking. “And you forgot something. ”

“Oh?” he asked, calmly walking toward me.

“Denfehlath!” I shouted. His eyes went wide with surprise and anger as a door opened next to me and the faerie with ruby eyes walked through.

“What have you done, Evelyn?” he asked.

“Take me to Lend's house!” I said, turning to Fehl. She laughed her shattering-?glass laugh, shooting a look of triumph at Reth.

“There you are. ” She took my hand and we jumped through the door. Her steel grasp through the Paths made me nervous. She wasn't annoyed anymore, she was eager. I had to run to keep up. At last another door opened and we came out in Lend's kitchen.

Vivian, in all her fiery glory, sat on the counter, swinging her legs. “Finally!” she said, jumping down. “It's about time! Thanks, Fehl. ” I couldn't make out her features under the brightness of her light, but I could hear the smile. I was dead. We were all dead, and once again it was my fault.

I looked at the faerie in horror. She smiled at me. “Oh, bleep,” I whispered. If Reth really was a good faerie, I couldn't imagine what Fehl must be like.

Vivian picked something up off the ground. Before I could react she swung it, barely missing me and smashing it into Fehl's face. Fehl crumpled to the ground. “Iron skillet,” Vivian said cheerfully. “Smart family. So, baby sister, how's it going?”

Chapter Thirty-Seven


What could I possibly say to Vivian, standing here in Lend's kitchen? I was terrified. And not just for myself, but for Lend and everyone here. I'd brought Vivian right to them. I had to get her out, away from the people I loved. “I--You're here. ” My brain felt as frozen as my body. I watched her burn, golden and bright.

“Yeah, stupid. I would have gotten here a lot sooner if you had just told me where you were. ” It was so weird talking to her now that I couldn't see her features. I had to go by the tone of her voice. She seemed happy.