“It's just weird. I mean, ten years ago I was in school, looking forward to everything to come. And then, bam, suddenly I'm this--this thing. And what I can't figure out is, what's the point of it all? Am I really going to be stuck, just sort of existing, for the rest of time? It makes me tired thinking about it, you know?”

I frowned, trying to ignore what Vivian had said about freeing paranormals from this world. “You're doing things,” I said.

She shook her head. “Oh, well. Hey, how about this?” She held up a dress. It was floor length, with a shiny, flowing skirt and a strapless sweetheart neckline. And it was pink. Lovely, lovely pink that shined and caught the light just right. I was in love.

Chapter Thirty-Four


Vivian didn't show up again until the week of the prom. I was sitting in one of Lend's classes, but I didn't know anyone. The teacher spoke in another language, I had forgotten how to read, and I was wearing my prom dress with combat boots. Just the promise of school in the fall and I was already having nightmares.

As I frantically tried to decipher the words of a test on a subject I'd never heard of, I looked up. The rest of the students had disappeared. Vivian sat at a desk, giving me a strange look; the souls hovered, shining behind her.

“You're weird,” she said.

I looked down at the paper, still nervous that I needed to finish it. “Yeah, I know. ”

“So, did you tell him yet?” Her small smile was tinged with a hint of smug.

“I did, actually. ”

“Why haven't you called me then?”

“He didn't care. ”

Her smile dropped off, replaced by furrowed brows. “He didn't care?”

“Nope. He likes me no matter who or what I am. ”

She shook her head. “No, you don't understand. You must have lied to him. You keep getting brighter. You figured out how to do it, didn't you? Did you kill him?”

“No, I didn't kill him! I would never. I didn't 'figure it out' either, and I don't want to. I'm happy where I am. ”

“Oh, I see. ” Her face went hard and cold. “Lucky Evie. Are they going to take care of you, then? Aren't you just the special one. Friends everywhere. ”

I shrugged, uncomfortable. “I don't want anything to do with the faeries or with taking souls or any of that. I can be normal here. I want to be normal. ”

Her face contorted in fury. For a moment I thought she'd attack me. But then her expression changed, and she looked down at the desk, tracing her finger along it. Black marks seared the wood, small trails of smoke rising. “Normal, huh? Wouldn't that be nice, little Evie, normal Evie. ” She looked up, thoughtful. “I always wanted a nickname. Faeries aren't real big on affection, you know? A friend or someone who liked me well enough to say, hey, Vivi, or maybe just Viv. I always wondered how that would feel. ”

Her eyes filled with tears. “You know how long I've waited for you? I was alone for so long, and then they started talking about how the other court made a new one. At first I was jealous, ready to kill you like they said. But then I saw you in Ireland, and I realized, here's someone like me! So I started looking for you. They couldn't find you, but I knew I could, knew I'd be able to get to you. And when I finally found you, you left before we could talk. I'm still alone, and I can't find you again. ” Her thin shoulders shook. She looked so broken, so sad it made my heart hurt. “It won't last. You can't be normal. Be with me. I'm so tired of being alone. Please, let me find you. ”

I went to her, trying not to look at the souls, telling myself I didn't want them. I stroked her hand. “I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. ”

She looked up at me and I saw the fire burning behind her eyes. “Then come with me. ”

“I--” I started to tell her no but she grabbed my wrist, her hands like a vise.

“I'll find you,” she whispered, smiling.

My eyes flew open and I sat up in bed. Not good. So not good.

It was still dark, but I went silently over to Lend's room. He was dreaming, flickering through different people. I climbed onto the bed, lying down next to him but on top of the covers. “Lend,” I whispered. He didn't move, so I said it again, a little louder. “Lend. ”

His eyes popped open, his face shifting from a random older man to his usual form. “Evie?”

“I had another visit. ”

“Oh. ” He stared at me for a while, frowning. “Oh,” he said again, shaking his head. “Sorry, what time is it?”