“No, not the killer thing. I mean, with other things. With what you're doing here. ” It hit me. “The werewolves! All IPCA's werewolves were taken out of the Center! We can help them. ”

“Where?” David stood.

My heart sank. “Oh. I don't know. I made a faerie get them out so they'd be safe. I have no idea where she took them. The Center is in northeastern Canada, if that helps. Maybe she just took them outside?”

“It's in Canada?”

“APCA wanted it here but the other countries pitched a fit. Everyone hated APCA because you guys always had the best technology. One of the conditions of forming IPCA was that the main center had to be off US ground, so they picked Canada since it was fairly neutral. ” Politics. Honestly.

He frowned thoughtfully. “If they're still unsupervised, we might have an opening. I have a few contacts I could try. They've got to be somewhere. ”

“What about the ankle trackers?”

“We've been working against IPCA for a long time, Evie. I couldn't do this without a few key people on the inside. We'll figure something out. ” He smiled. I felt a little better. At least I'd done something to help Charlotte. Hopefully.

But him saying he had someone on the inside made me remember Raquel. I cleared my throat, nervous. “Umm, could yo

u maybe find out if some of my friends are okay?”

“If you mean Raquel, I've already contacted my sources and they're going to let me know where she is as soon as they find out. ”

I let out a relieved breath. “Thanks!”

I went into the family room and sat down on the couch next to Lend. Not next next to him like I wanted to, but close. After a few minutes he closed his phone and sighed. “I'm dead. This is going to take me forever to make up. I'll be right back. I gotta go see what books I have here so I can get started. ” He grabbed the shopping bags and went upstairs.

I watched him leave, jealous of his life. I'd even take real homework.

“Oh,” Arianna said, her voice flat. She had just come in the room and looked annoyed that I was there. “I was going to watch TV. ” She gave me a just-?try-?to-?stop-?me look.

“Be my guest. ” I didn't move, giving her a don't-?think-?you-?can-?bully-?me-?bloodsucker look.

She sat down in an armchair next to the couch and pulled out a couple of remotes. After searching through a menu, she selected a show and hit play.

“No way!” I sat up. “I totally love this one. ”

“You like Easton Heights?”

“Umm, best show ever. ”

“I know, huh?” The eyes of her glamour were lit up, excited. The dead eyes underneath even looked a little animated. “I missed a couple of episodes while I was out looking for that twit,” she said, glaring at Lend as he walked in the room.

Lend sat down on the couch--closer to me than he had been before--and then noticed the show. He sighed heavily. “Great. I am kind of trying to get some--”

“Shhh!” Arianna and I said at the same time.

After catching up on all the episodes she missed, Arianna and I had a long, slightly heated discussion over who Cheyenne should end up with. She wasn't as much fun as Lish, but she certainly knew her Easton Heights. I wondered what Lish would think, knowing I was talking about our show with an untagged vamp. At least Lish would have my back in the argument.

“You know she belongs with Landon,” I said.

“Oh, as if! He'll never reform. She should just accept that Alex is going to make her happy. ”

“You're crazy! What about the time Alex got drunk and went to that club where he made out with Carys before he found out they were actually cousins? Yeah, that's stability. ”

Lend stood. “Evie, we've got to wake up early tomorrow for school. ”

“Oh, yeah, good point. ” I was pretty exhausted. “We'll talk about this tomorrow,” I warned Arianna.

Lend and I walked up the stairs together. “You can have your room back,” I said.