“Leave. ” Cresseda's voice had gone from bubbling brook to roaring waterfall; it was power, eternal and unassailable.

Reth straightened his waistcoat and picked up his walking stick. “Very well. I'm not the only one who will come looking, though. Until next time, my love. ” He waved his cane at me and stepped back through the door.

Chapter Twenty-Six


Arianna wasn't dead. Or deader, I guess. I never thought I'd be so relieved about a vamp, but the girl had guts. Back at the house, David patched up her ribs while Stacey and Luke holed themselves in upstairs, avoiding me after hearing what had happened. I didn't blame them. I was like a plague: where I came, bad things followed.

“How did you hurt Reth?” I asked as David finished checking Arianna's ribs. I realized Reth had a new name, but had no idea what.

David stuck his hand in his pocket and pulled something out. It looked like brass knuckles but the wrong color. Iron. Brilliant. “Designed them myself. ”

Was he cool or what? “Can I get a set?” Lend and I asked at the same time.

David laughed. “I'll see what I can do. ”

“What if Reth comes back?” Lend asked.

“There's a reason he didn't come to the house. We're not very faerie friendly here. But I wouldn't underestimate your mom's power. Now that he knows the water elementals are protecting Evie, I don't think he'll try anything. Soon he'll forget he was ever interested in her. ”

I hoped that was true, but I seriously doubted it. It sounded too dismissive, too like Raquel. I wasn't just some pretty thing Reth wanted to dance with--his interest in me ran far deeper. There was some sinister purpose behind it all. Still, David was obviously faerie savvy, and with Cresseda's protection, maybe I really would be safe. Until I had to leave here, of course.

“There are a few other tricks,” David said, walking to the counter. He grabbed a loaf of bread, took out two slices, and handed them to us. “Keep a bit of stale bread in your pockets all the time. ”

“Okay,” I said, frowning dubiously at the bread.

He laughed. “It works. Faeries don't like things that tie them to our earth. Bread is the staff of life for humans--they won't touch it. Same thing with iron; it binds them here, rings too sharply of imprisonment. That's why it hurts them. ”

“Cool!” Bread, at least, I could take with me everywhere. “Can I have my taser back, too?” Tasey wasn't much good against faeries, but I felt kind of naked without her.

Frowning thoughtfully, he finally nodded and gave it to me. I had to restrain myself from stroking the pink grip.

Arianna fixed her clothes, glaring at me. “Why's the faerie so obsessed with you anyway? You're not that cute. ”

David cleared his throat loudly. “Lend, why don't you take Evie into town, get her some clothes and things?”

My heart leaped in my chest. That sounded promising. “I can stay?” I had been waiting for him to kick me out since we got here. I figured it was a sure thing now with the added Reth threat. I wouldn't want me around, either.

“Of course. ” He smiled at me. “You brought my son back. You're always welcome. ” I wouldn't cry, not again, but that one sentence meant the world to me. Maybe I wasn't totally alone, after all.

Lend frowned. “You're trying to get rid of us so you can talk about all this, aren't you?”

“Yes. ”

“Fine. ” Lend held out his hand. “Keys? And a credit card?”

David pulled a card out of his wallet and handed it over with the car keys. “Be back before dark. You're still grounded. ”

“I promise not to have any fun,” Lend said solemnly.

“Get out of here, you bum,” his dad said, shaking his head.

We climbed into a plain silver sedan. Maybe I'm weird, but watching Lend drive was sexy.

“So,” he said, “I'm guessing you have some questions?”

“Just one: what's the limit on that card?” He looked shocked until I started laughing. “Kidding. I'm not going to push my luck, don't worry. I would, however, like to get pants that aren't yours, no offense. And I do have a few questions--real questions. ”