This silences the crowd and a wicked grin spreads across Hamilton’s

face. I search for Perez and catch her eye, silently begging her to make this stop.

Walker takes a step over, blocking my eye contact.

“Today is a fresh start. One I’m willing to give anyone that wants to be a member of the Safe Cities Alliance. An opportunity I’ve already given Ms. Ramsey and her friends. They turned their back on me. Kidnapped my daughter and continued to consort with the enemy.”

I snatch the microphone from his hand. “Don’t listen to him! He’s the one behind the crisis! He developed the infection to dismantle society! He is not your ally!”

Walker charges me and I duck, but there’s no place to go and my hands are behind my back. She latches her arm around my neck, snatching the microphone from my hands. Wyatt is already on his feet and he and Davis square off. Jackson eyes Jude, Parker, and Mary Ellen, leveling his gun in their direction, daring them to make a move. I look at the pregnant girl, her face pale and worried, and shout, “Stop! Wyatt. Stop. Davis, calm the eff down. It doesn’t have to be this way.”

The frenzy on the stage stops but Hamilton looks like the cat that ate the canary. He takes the microphone from Walker, who only tightens her grip on my neck. He walks back to the edge of the stage. Perez finally gathers a bit of courage and approaches him. The crowd can’t hear them speak but I can make out their words.

“Is this really necessary? We don’t deal with problems in public like this. Not in Winston-Salem,” she says.

“We had an agreement. And for that arrangement to happen I will make an example out of these people. They’ve had their opportunity.”

“And so, what? Public humiliation?” she asks. Lines furrow her forehead. “This won’t go over well.”

His eyes narrow at her tone—clearly offended she challenged his authority. The wild mania I’d sensed before from him flares behind his eyes and Perez realizes her mistake. “It’s just…the community is so fragile. I don’t want to excite everyone.”

“Madam, I hear your concern but it all depends on the getting the desired reaction.” He looks out over the crowd, many nervous and scared. “I’d say things are progressing nicely.”

Hamilton walks over to a small box on the edge of the stage. He faces the crowd, who has grown restless with the activities they’ve witnessed so far. With the microphone close to his mouth he says, “Before we go further I need to show you what we’re fighting against.”

He slams his foot down on the box and a door opens on the platform. A rectangular box rises from below, like we’re part of some post-apocalyptic half-time show. I fight against Walker until I can see better.

A mighty shudder rolls down my spine. Cole has been displayed on the board, arms spread crucifixion style. His skin is an ashy white. The curls on his head are matted and dull. There’s little question that he’s dead and a scream of disbelief catches in my throat. He was murdered by Davis in the streets. Davis, my friend, killed my other friend.

Spray painted over his head is the word, ’Mutant’, in drippy, red letters.

The audience is a mixture of gasping screams. Parents shield their children’s eyes. I feel bile surge up my throat. Even Wyatt’s face has turned a queasy green.

“Do you see this man?” Hamilton asks the crowd. “Looks perfectly normal. Strong. Capable. Smart, too—he used to be a scientist. Wanted to be a doctor.”

He steps closer and again I fight against Walker, who has me in a death grip.

“This man chose to give his humanity away. All for vengeance against an unjust world. He was the best a person could be—yet that meant nothing to him. He tossed it away. For power and strength.” He looks out into the crowd. “Do you really want to live side-by-side with a creature like this? One you can’t differentiate from your human neighbors? One who can snap your neck with his bare hands?” Hamilton points at Davis. “Do you see this man? Even he couldn’t stop the mutant. Not alone. Is that who you want living next door? Among your children?”

“Colonel Hamilton,” Ms. Perez says, walking up to him. “I think you’ve made your point.”

His eyes grow wild and he grits out, “No, I don’t think I have.”

Walker tightens her grip but I feel her remove her gun from her holster. “Don’t do this, Michelle,” I beg her. I lock eyes with Wyatt. He’s watching us like a hawk. “You’re better than this freak show.”

I feel the hard metal of the barrel against my head and watch, horrified, as Hamilton stands before Cole. The man tilt his chin upward and speaks loud and clear into his microphone, “God have mercy on your soul, son.”

“You’re disgusting!” I shout. “Cole was a better man than you even with the mutation running through his veins!”

His eyes flick toward me. There’s no emotion in them but hate. “We can’t have people like you in our world, Alexandra.” He nods at Walker. “Kill her.”

“Daddy! No!” Zoe shouts running toward him. Just before she reaches him she jumps back and screams. Two arrows fly through the sky from above, each slicing across Cole’s wrists with a gut-churning thwick. Hamilton and everyone else in the stadium looks up, trying to locate the shooter. More arrows zip through the air, taking out the sentries on the rooftops above, landing with precision on the guard blocking the stage. Walker keeps her grip tight, hugging me even closer. I glance to my right and watch as Parker drags Mary Ellen off to the side. With his hands tied behind his back, Jude charges at Jackson, kicking a chair into the bigger man’s knees.

“Kill her!” Hamilton shouts again, but his arms are tight around his daughter. Not in an embrace but a struggle over his weapon. He’s too big for her to overpower but Zoe does everything she can to slow him down.

“Walker! You’ve been given an order!”

The nuzzle jams into my skull. I wait for the shot. And wait, but all I hear is the screams of the crowd and Walker’s breath in my ear. It’s not that she won’t do it. It’s that she’s afraid. Not of me. No, someone else.