Ms. Perez clears her throat, bringing our attention back to the council who has been watching us with fasc

ination. “As I said, Parker was sick when she arrived. Feverish and confused. The early versions of the stories she told us—about super soldiers and vaccines and genetic mutations sounded straight out of a horror novel.” She grimaces. “Of course nothing we’ve experienced over the last two years feels real.”

“They didn’t believe me,” Parker says. Jude grips her hand tighter.

“No, it’s not that,” Ethan says. “We just wanted to make sure you weren’t still sick or possibly unstable. It was a hard story to believe.”

I step forward and approach the table. “Everything Parker has told you is true. From the coast of Georgia to Ohio there’s been a battle raging on between humans, Eaters and a Hybrid mutation of the two. A vaccine does exist—as well as alterations to it that cause an even bigger danger.”

“A vaccine?” Ethan asks.

“Yes. My sister developed it. It’s real and it works.”

“Where is your sister now?” Ms. Perez asks.

“In New Hope working for Hamilton. He wants a clean vaccine—one that doesn’t lead to the mutations,” I say. “It’s the right thing to do but Hamilton has other ideas that are not in the best interest of our rebuilding society.”

Zoe steps forward. “I know my father wants to open trade with you but you should be wary. He’s a complicated person.”

“Your father is Colonel Hamilton?” Perez asks. Her forehead creases with concern. “Why didn’t you say so?”

“He’s dangerous,” Parker blurts. “It’s why I ran. I needed you to know before you made any arrangements with him. He has plans to restart the government—with himself as the leader.”

“Is that a terrible idea? It sounds like New Hope is doing very well. To make progress we’ll have to have strong leadership,” Ethan says. “It makes sense that he would take that position.”

“He has extreme ideas,” Wyatt says. “About purity and biology. He claims they are for the betterment of society but things aren’t the same as before.”

“You mean the Hybrids,” Ms. Perez says. “You said yourself that they’re dangerous. Are his concerns not valid?”

Wyatt clenches his jaw. “It’s not black and white—not anymore. The Hybrids are not the only mutation.”

“What are you talking about?” Ethan asks.

I step forward. “My sister is a brilliant scientist and as much as I hate to admit it, very dangerous.”

“You said she created a vaccine—something we desperately need.”

“She did create the vaccine and she willingly shares it with survivors. In the process of doing something good she also made something bad. She developed the mutation for the Hybrids. And additionally something we call a Mutt—which is a human/hybrid mixture.”

“A Mutt?” Perez looks like her brain may implode.

“The Mutts are good. Their brains and humanity intact. And without them we cannot take on the Hybrids. It’s the only way we defeated them before.”

“Hamilton wants to get rid of all the mutations?” she asks.

“Yes.” Again I move closer to the bench and do my best to keep my voice calm and level. “We have friends that sacrificed themselves to become Mutts. They fought side by side with us to defeat the Hybrid Army. But Hamilton…his views are a distraction. They could lead us down a path of even greater destruction, because if we kill the Mutts then we are at risk. The Hybrids will not stop until we’re all dead.”

The council chair frowns. “What are you saying? You want to keep some of the mutants alive?”

Wyatt rubs his neck. He doesn’t want to reveal what comes next. “It means we need them on our side. We need them to work for us and with us. To eradicate the Eaters and Hybrids and rebuild society. But if you let Hamilton in here he’ll manipulate things the wrong way. We’ll be fighting a war—his war—not making progress.”

She looks at Zoe. “Is this true?”

“My father is very convincing and very committed to his ideas. Increasingly, I am aware that his beliefs are not the best thing for society as a whole.”

“He’ll take out anyone that gets in his way,” Parker says. “Anyone.”

“Are you sure about that?” Ethan asks. He crosses his arms over his chest. “Because if we’re under threat of genetically modified soldiers it sounds like Hamilton may not be a bad person to have on our side.”