My words are cut short by a sound overhead. A familiar yet completely out of place noise shakes the foundation of the last few months. A helicopter streaks across the sky, low enough to nearly blow us off the bridge. I clutch against Wyatt’s side and watch the propellers spin. The reflection is no longer so far away, it’s bouncing down the highway. Trucks. Big ones with giant flags shooting toward the sun. I spot the red stripes flapping in the breeze and an unmistakable field of blue and my knees nearly give out.

We move to the railing and lean over, noticing the fighting below has come to a complete and total stop.

“I’ll be dammed,” Wyatt mutters as the first truck rolls to the edge of the underpass.

“Is that the real army?” I ask, stepping on the squishy arm of a decapitated Eater. Mary Ellen leans next to me.

“I don’t know.” But it seems like it. It feels like it. The helicopter makes another swoop overhead. The door slides open and a figure leans out the side carrying a massive megaphone.

“This is the United States Government. Lower your weapons immediately. Cease fighting at once. Stay right where you are and wait for further instructions.” Wyatt and I look at one another and my heart leaps into my chest.

“Is that…” I clench his arm, because oh my God. I know that voice.

A flash of red hair comes into view and I’m not surprised in the least. Wyatt smiles, it’s the first one in days, and he squeezes my waist. “Yep, that’s Walker. I think the cavalry has arrived.”

Chapter Twenty-Three

The helicopter lands at the end of the bridge, blowing dust and debris far and wide. We start toward it, hoping to get to Walker before all hell breaks loose, but the soldiers on the ground don’t follow directions.

“Look,” Mary Ellen says, pointing to the highway. The Hybrids in particular scurry into the tree line, disappearing into the forest.

“Guess they know their commander is dead?” Wyatt says.

I watch the men and women run like ants, fading into the night. “They were loyal to her. They’re not going to stick around for a new regime.”

The megaphone starts up again. Walker’s voice is loud and clear. “Do not leave the area. Any person unaccounted for will be considered armed, dangerous, and wanted for arrest.”

Another voice rises into the night, echoing off the concrete. Erwin shouts the command, “Soldiers! Stand down.”

Walker must recognize his voice and steps from the helicopter. We move into view and she stops dead in her tracks.

“Alex? Wyatt?” For a brief second she looks shaken. I drop Wyatt’s hand and race, nearly knocking her down with the force of my embrace. “Holy shit, girl, it’s you.”

“And it’s you! With the freaking US Army! You did it! You found them!”

She looks over my shoulder and frowns at Wyatt, who is slowly making his way over. “Is he okay?”

“Took a beating, but you know how he is.”

“Yeah, I do.”

“Davis? Parker? Are they okay?” I ask.

“Davis and Jackson are down with the convoy.”

She doesn’t mention Parker and I don’t think I’m ready to know.

The soldiers from the truck are now spilling into the streets. I can’t find my friends but Erwin is exiting his tank and there’s a higher level meeting about to happen. I don’t feel comfortable not being there.

From the expression on Walker’s face I don’t think she does either. There’s a beat between us and she stares at my face. “Are you okay? Your pupils are a little dilated.” She looks at Mary Ellen. “Yours too.”

“It was just a long fight. Really long. Chloe is dead.”

Her eyebrows shoot up her forehead but she nods in approval. “Well done.”

“You want to find out what that’s all about down there?” I ask.
