Green leads us to the entrance, down long-abandoned and cleared side roads. Small towns have always had a touch of emptiness as you leave the rural areas and approach their historic business centers, but after nearly a full year things have taken a drastic toll. As the rambling hills and farmland fades into pavement and cinderblock, things take on an eerie quiet. The winter weather sped things along, revealing the rusted cracks on deserted vehicles and storefront awnings. Weeds and vines spill over curbs and driveways. A fair-sized doe and her baby nibble on sprouting green leaves creeping into the drive-through window of a dry cleaner. They glance up and dart quickly down the road when they hear us coming.

Broken glass litters parking lots from looted shops and businesses and there’s no one around to clean up the litter that accumulates along the side of the roads and in fence corners. We’ve officially entered the gloomy stage of the apocalypse usually seen in movies or on sleek book covers.

“Damn this place is depressing,” Jude says, echoing my thoughts. We’ve tied the horses in the burned-out bay of a garage two blocks back and are trying to get a better idea of what’s waiting for us. “You promise the inside is better?”

“It was when I left,” Green says. He points up and I crane my neck until I see the two men with rifles keeping watch.

“I don’t think they’re wearing black,” Jude says, peering through the binoculars.

I shake my head. “No, me either.”

“I don’t recognize the guy up there but let me make first contact, “Green says. “Hopefully they’re expecting us. You guys back me up.”

We get into position, Jude and I taking opposite sides of the road. I press my back against the peeling paint on the side of a flower shop. Jude crouches behind a busted fast food sign. Green walks casually down the road toward the makeshift gates to the town.

I can’t hear when he finally speaks but I know that I need everything to be okay. I need a bed to sleep in and weapons at my disposal. I need warm food and a map of the area. I will find Chloe and if God’s willing, rescue Alexandra. Then I will end this fucking war

I hold back a sigh of relief when Green turns and waves us down. The gates open with a slow creak, wide enough for a person to get inside. I haven’t holstered my gun, I’m not that dumb, and when I get close enough to Green I see his eyes shift to the side.

“Something’s off,” I mutter, just loud enough for Jude to hear. He’s already spun so that his back is to mine and in a blink we’re surrounded by men and women carrying weapons. Their faces are covered with handkerchiefs and bandannas, heads with black or gray stocking caps. I observe their jeans and T-shirts and ragged hoodies, but each carries the demeanor and stance of a solider. They appear calm and controlled. I’m not getting a Hybrid vibe but something else entirely.

“Look,” I say, “We’re not here to hurt anyone. We were sent by Dr. Yeun. He needs your help.”

There’s silence in the group yet no one flinches or drops their weapon even an inch. It’s a familiar reaction. None of the people surrounding us are in charge. They’re waiting for their commander to give an order or make a decision. I wait another beat and try again. “We’ve got important information for your leaders. We’re happy to check our weapons. But really, it’s important that we talk to someone in charge.”

I do the unthinkable and place my gun on the ground. I nod at Jude and Green and they do the same, although Green is red–faced and reluctant. Obviously he doesn’t recognize these people either. Catlettsburg has been over taken and not by the Hybrids. Adding another player to the mix is nerve–wracking but we’ve expected it all along.

There’s another stretch of quiet but then it’s broken by movement deep in the group of people. Bodies shift until they part like the sea. I can’t see source of the movement and my aching, sore muscles tense. I count the seconds it will take to get my second gun out of my waistband.




My fingers twitch and a tall, broad figure emerges. He’s got a black bandanna over his mouth with the white painted outline of skeletal teeth spreads wide and menacing from ear to ear. Too dark eyes peer over the top and a chill runs down my spine.

“Holy shit,” the masked man says, just as my fingers graze my pistol. He jerks down the smiling mask and the fake grin is replaced by a genuine one as he looks between me and Jude. “I didn’t think we’d ever see you two bastards again.”

The adrenaline spikes and I feel my own grin. Jude is already in the Asian man’s arms, embracing him in a full bear hug. Paul stares at me like he’s seeing a ghost and I’m sure my expression mirrors his.

“Will you tell these people to lower their guns,” I say, walking over and giving him my own hug.

“Right,” he says, and tells his soldiers all is well. They move as a well-oiled unit and again, something seems amiss.

“Chloe is alive. Her army is nearby.” I glance over at the nearest soldiers, my radar still pinging. I notice the worry in Jude’s eyes as well. “How did you even survive her attack? I don’t get it.”

“We’ve got a lot to tell you, but first come in, get clean and eat. After that I’ll explain how we’re going to bring down the Hybrid army for good.

Chapter Nine

Paul brings leads us down the quaint streets of Catlettsburg toward the center of town. Historic houses line the road and Green points to one with wide green awnings and says, “That’s where the Ramsey sisters lived.”

I glance at the white clapboard house and think about Alex staying there for all those months. She was able to sleep peacefully in a bed. Eat meals at a table. She had part of her family back. I assume it was during this time Green developed a crush on her. That’s easier to do when things aren’t life and death. A person can think about the future when he’s not running from monsters.


nbsp; Although the place feels plucked out of a TV movie, things aren’t exactly as Green described. Erwin’s soldiers are visible, many I knew and recruited myself. Many walk up and shake my hand. Some even stop to embrace Jude—his personality always kind and infectious. But I notice a change in them. Something slight but I keep my concerns to myself. This world changes people. Maybe they see something different about me, too.