“Thanks. You know you’re my best friend. I just feel weird when I don’t share big life things with you, you know?”

“Right. Yes, I know.” Sharing with others had never been my strong suit. It was just my nature.

“Now, what were you going to say you and the guys did? Something crazy?”

“Oh, right.” The dog. Sadie. Something I thought was a major decision in our lives. Not that super-big-thing that people my age were doing. Nope. Once again, Heaven was out in left field doing her own, socially immature stuff. “Well, it’s not quite as big as having a baby news, but we got a dog.”

“You got a dog! What? When?” Her eyes were wide.

“Two weeks ago.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“It’s just been crazy. She’s super sweet and fun and has brought a lot of joy to the house.”

“I bet. Well, I need photos. Dozens of photos. And when I get down there, puppy kisses. Oh god, I bet she’s cute.”

“Super cute.” I felt stupid for not telling her sooner, when she obviously wanted to know what was going on in our lives. That was what happened when you lived in a bubble. A bubble with four sexy men that kept me thoroughly occupied. I leaned back against my seat. “I really am excited for you. It’s okay if I tell the guys?”

“Maybe hold off for a few weeks until I figure out the donor thing? Is that cool? I don’t want you to feel like you’re keeping secrets.”

“No, it’s totally understandable. It’s a lot of pressure and excitement and new stuff.”

“It’s also a lot of girly-body part stuff and I don’t know, you know how they get about all of that.”

“Squeamish.” We both laughed. The guys were the worst about girl stuff, although all of them have gotten used to buying me tampons and other things at the pharmacy. “Good luck, babe, and keep me posted, okay?”

“I will.” She smiled into the phone. “Love you, Heaven Reeves.”

“Love you, too.”

We disconnected and I sat in my car for a few minutes, processing the information I’d just been given. Amber was going to have a baby. She was going to be a mom. Two things that absolutely terrified me. I was relieved she didn’t want me to bring it up to the guys yet, because once I did the door would be open to us having “the conversation.” The kid conversation, and I didn’t think I was ready to do that yet. Not because they wouldn’t want to—I knew how they felt. I wasn’t the one being honest. I hadn’t told them yet.

I’m really not sure if I ever want to have kids.



“Can you remind me what time the me

eting is on Friday?” Jackson asked, sticking his head in my office.


“In Oceanside?”


“Cool. I’ll swing by here and pick you up. I’m sure you’ll be here.”

He had me there. Ever since word got out about our training programs for the celebrities that came through town for movies and TV shows, we we’d been busy as hell. So busy that we decided to expand to a second gym—closer to where a lot of the movies were filmed down near the beach. At first, we were opposed to creating a business in the racist, homophobic, backwater town, but then we decided to do it to spite them. Like the industry, we decided they could join us willingly or by force. We weren’t going away.

The grand opening was a month away and my days were filled with contractors and designers and everything in between. That left Jackson managing the gym and me having to trust he was on top of everything. I possibly had a few control issues when it came to work.

My phone beeped—programmed in by Heaven—reminding me of our standing appointment.

Jackson’s eyebrows rose, recognizing the chime. “Is it eleven? Fuck. I have a training session. Tell her I said I’ll see her later, okay? We’re taking Sadie to the pet store for treats.”