Walking into the party with Heaven, beautiful and sexy in her slinky pink dress, was enough to make me feel like a king. The party was fancy—catering to a high-end crowd that paid high rates for a level of training they couldn’t find elsewhere. I was part owner—more silent than anything else—a face along with Anderson’s to provide professional legitimacy, but in truth, A5 was all Oliver and Jackson. They’d done an amazing job and were on their way to building an empire.

“I’m going to go say hello to the boys,” Heaven said, squeezing my hand and walking off.

I plucked a glass of champagne off a waiter’s tray and watched her greet my best friends, hugging them in congratulations. At public events like this we kept our closeness on the down-low, a decision we’d all come to years before. Only we knew the truth behind the body language, the glint in one another’s eyes. There was something intoxicating about events like this one where few knew the truth about our relationship. It was like the word’s dirtiest secret and to be honest, it made me a little hard.

“Here,” Amber said, walking up with Ginger. She held a full glass of champagne in my face. “The waiter gave this to me. Drink it for me.”

“My pleasure.”

Amber had on a tight dress, one that clearly showed her pregnancy. Ginger beamed next to her, occasionally pointing out a celebrity or two. “How are things going—health-wise?”

“Good,” Amber smiled. “Just the normal stuff. I’m tired all the time. None of my clothes fit. I only want red meat.”

“Don’t forget moody and irritable,” Ginger added.

I looked between them. “Those are all normal?”

“Completely.” Amber sighed and rested a hand on her belly. “Even the moodiness. There’s a whole boat-load of hormone changes going on.”

“Well you look fantastic. I think it suits you.”

“Thank you.” Her eyes followed a movement across the room. “I think those are the crab cakes. Will you get me a few,” she asked Ginger. Her wife sighed, kissed her on the cheek, and walked off.

“How are you holding up,” she asked me.

I tilted my head. “In what way?”

“I know you guys and Heaven have been dealing with some big issues.”

“Right.” I fought a grimace. Amber had always been up in our business, but Heaven needed someone to confide in—a female—and I didn’t begrudge that. “I think we’ve worked through it.”

“And you’re okay with her decision of no kids.”

It took me a moment to swallow the truth. “Yes—her fears are well-founded. There are a lot of obstacles that we’d have to navigate.”

“I hate that our decision fell like a landmine in your house. You know how Heaven gets sometimes.”

“She fixates, but we talked it over. She got sick too, which pushed it aside. Now that she’s better she seems to have moved on.”

“Good.” She looked visibly relieved. Ginger reappeared with a plate piled with snacks. “Oh thank god, I thought I was going to die.”

Ginger rolled her eyes and we shared a smile. Then she slipped an arm around Amber’s waist, settling it on the baby growing inside. A sweet moment between two expecting parents, and I felt a slight twinge in my chest.

“Hey guys,” Heaven said, sidling up to us. “What’s going on?”

“Just stuffing my cake-hole,” Amber said, popping in another crab cake. “You want one?”

Heaven shook her head. “No way. I could barely get this dress zipped tonight. And ugh, the thought of seafood is not appealing. I swear I totally lost my appetite while I was sick and it hasn’t come back yet.”

I finished my drink and noticed Anderson coming our way. “They want to take some pictures with all of us,” he said, once he reached us.

“Sounds good,” I said, knowing publicity was part of my obligation.

Anderson looked at Heaven and she said, “What?”

“A5, babe. That means you, too.”

“Oh, right, I can do that.” She turned to Amber. “Do I have anything in my teeth?”