I was sitting in my car in the parking lot after work when my phone buzzed on the seat. I was still working on Creature Feature, which had turned into a bonafide hit, entering its third season. We’d been working non-stop for the last six weeks and hiatus was on the horizon. I couldn’t wait to have a few weeks off, especially since I’d been fighting the same cold for weeks.

I picked up the phone and saw Amber’s picture flashing across the screen in a video call.

“Hey girl,” she said when I answered.

“Hey!” I replied, but my breath caught and I turned my head to cough.

“Holy shit. You’re still sick?”

“Ugh, it’s just this stupid, lingering cough.”

“You sound awful. Have you been to a doctor?”

“Yeah, actually I have. The guys got tired of me hacking all the time and forced me to go. I’m on antibiotics—it’s just a nasty case of bronchitis.”

“Well good, I know you’re busy and the last thing you need is to get sick.”

“Yeah, none of the guys want to get sick either.” I shifted in my seat. “How’s everything? New York? Ginger?”

“Things are good. Just busy, you know. Ginger’s about to finish up her master’s program, which should give her a little more time to be at home.”

“That sounds great. I know she’s worked really hard in physical therapy school.”

“Too hard,” Amber said, with a sigh. “But it’ll be worth it.”


“How are you and the guys?”

I looked out the window, watching the crew leave the set. “I’m good. They’re good. Actually, we did something crazy a few weeks ago and—”

“I need to tell you something,” she blurted.

I blinked. “What? What’s wrong?”

“Nothing’s wrong,” she promised. “I just have some big news and I really want to share it with you. Like really, really, really want to share it with you. Actually, two big things.”

“Well, tell me! Now I’m freaking out.”

“Don’t freak. It’s a good thing. A really good thing.” I could hear her nerves through the phone, but just looking at her I could tell she was about to burst. “First of all, once Ginger graduates, we’re moving back to Allendale!”

“You’re moving back? To Allendale? You’re kidding!” That was a shock. I thought once Amber got out of here, she’d never look back. Despite my surprise, the biggest wave of relief washed over me. I’d missed having my best friend local. “That’s the best news ever! Wait…what’s the second thing?”

“Ginger and I have decided to have a baby.”

“A baby?” I was floored, unable to even keep the astonishment off my face. “What? How?”

She laughed. “How? Good grief, Heaven. We’ll find a donor.”

“A donor, right, duh.” I rolled my eyes at myself. “Who’s going to carry the baby?”

“I am. Or that’s the plan, at least. Ginger’s eager to get in the workforce and use her degree and I’m ready to take a break. I’ve supported her while she’s been in school and I think it’ll be good.”

“Wow. I’m just stunned. You’re going to be a mom!”


“I’m just…I’m really excited for you guys. Surprised, but excited.”