“It’s the weirdest feeling. And I don’t even want to know what happens later—when I’m nursing.”

“Nope. Me either.”

She looked me over. “Well you look smokin’ in that dress. The guys will love it.”

“Ginger will love that one, too. And well, probably everyone else that’s into boobs, because holy shit.” I couldn’t help myself. They were perfect, round, and frankly a little magical.

“I’ll take what I can get.”

We spend the rest of the afternoon shopping and getting our nails done—girly things that help me feel a little more normal. In my panic over her pregnancy and my own decisions, I’d forgotten how much fun Amber and I had together. I determined that more than anything else, I was glad my friend was home.

“Movie or TV show?” Anderson asked, holding the remote to the television. I’d just turned off the light and settled back on the couch.

“Everyone at work is talking about this super cute movie that’s kind of like Sixteen Candles but modernized.”

He raised his eyebrows in question.

“Don’t tell me you haven’t seen Sixteen Candles.”

“When did it come out?”

“I don’t know, like 1984. My mom made me watch it with her. It’s a classic.”

“Yeah, no chance I’ve seen that.”

“Well, then that’s what we should watch for sure—after we watch the new one.” I was in the mood for some sweet, uncomplicated, teen romance. I grabbed the remote from him and flipped through the options, while Anderson settled next to me on the couch. Tomorrow night we had the party and the other guys were at the gym going over final details. Anderson and I had decided on an evening of Netflix and chill, now that I was finally feeling human again.

We sat close on the couch, snuggled beneath a blanket, with a bowl of popcorn in my lap. The movie was adorable—the boy and girl both ridiculously cute. After their first kiss, a jumbled-up moment of desperation, I turned to Anderson and said, “That’s almost like when I kissed you in the library that day.”

“That was a good kiss. Too bad I acted like a dick afterwards.”

“I wasn’t playing fair. You didn’t know the truth—just like that boy in the story didn’t know everything going on with the girl.” I gestured to the screen—frozen on pause. “Once I did, we were able to work past it.”

“Are you seriously trying to equate our life to a teen movie?” There was an amused smile on his face.

“Our whole relationship has been like a crazy movie, don’t you think?”

He slipped an arm around my shoulder. “Only if that movie went from PG to R to XXX.”

“We are not triple X.”

He snorted. “Who said our story is over?”

He reached for me, pulling me close enough to kiss. His lips tasted buttery, like popcorn. He’d just pushed a hand into my hair when there was a cough from the doorway and a small knock. We both looked up. Jackson waited with an apologetic expression and a tray of food in his hands.

Anderson pulled away and adjusted his jeans.

“Sorry to interrupt, but the caterer left some samples and I thought you may want some.” He crossed the room and laid the food on the ottoman. It was quite the spread. Fruit and cheese. Strawberries with chocolate and a mound of whipped cream. “I’ll leave you two alone.”

I glanced at Anderson, who gave me a quick nod. “Jackson—stay. Watch the rest of the movie with us and share in the food.”

He hesitated. “Are you sure?”

“Yep,” Anderson said, shifting over and pulling me along with him. Jackson kicked off his shoes and sat next to me, dragging the blanket over his lap. I was snug between the two of them.

“So, what are we watching?” he asked.

I dipped a spoon in the cream.