“They’re good. Oliver and Jackson are busy opening the new gym. The other two are training and at work. You know how it is.” I sat in my own makeup chair. The actors wouldn’t be back for another ten minutes. “What about you? How’s AJ?”

She smiled when I mentioned him—even after all this time. I wasn’t sure if they would stick, both of them so young and AJ being a rising star, but they were a good fit.

“Good. We’re going to visit his family over the show break.”

“Really? In Virginia?”

“Yep. They live on a farm. With animals.”

“That’ll be nice.”

“Any plans for the break?” she asked.

“Just the grand opening of the gym. Maybe sleeping in.” I hadn’t told her about Amber and the baby. They were waiting a few months to announce publicly.

“Sleeping in sounds good.”

There was a rap on the door and AJ stuck his head in. He was freshly scrubbed and his eyes went straight to Lea.

“Hey babe, can you get me in the chair early?”

Lea looked at me. I was in charge of AJ’s makeup. “Yep. Let’s get this started.”

He stopped and kissed Lea on the lips before easing into my chair. I was glad for the interruption—glad to be busy. If there was one place of true solace in my life, it was in this trailer doing my job.



The shift of the bed roused me awake and I reached out my hand, expecting Sadie’s soft fur. She made the rounds at night, mostly sleeping with Heaven, but if she could find someone else to give her attention, she’d give it a shot.

Fur wasn’t what I touched, instead it was the smooth warmth of skin. I pulled myself from the lull of sleep, my cock twitching on instinct.

“Heaven?” I asked, sitting up. Her palm moved to my bare chest, pushing me back down. I blinked into the dark, finally making out her form, her face in the pale light coming from the window. She straddled my legs and the twitching shifted to full hardening.

“I’ve been thinking about you all day,” she confessed quietly. “While I was at work. When I was walking the dog. Later in the shower. I was in bed and I just kept thinking about you. About your mouth and your body and frankly, your dick.”

She kissed me, bare breasts pressing against my chest. This…this was something different. Something unexpected.

“So you just walked down here naked?”

“Is that a problem?” I saw her head tilt in the dark.

“Nope. Definitely not.”

My body and urges took over, not caring why she came in here late at night like this, only gleeful that she did. Her body ground down on me and my hands gripped her hips, our bodies warming up to one another.

Her mouth tasted like mint, her skin like lotion. I ran my teeth down her shoulder and kissed her breasts, licking her nipples until she shuddered and squirmed against me.

“I love how that feels,” she said, more vocal than I’d ever heard her.

“Fuck, Heaven, you’re killing me, is that your plan?”

She laughed in the dark. “I could think of worse ways to go.”

I ran my hands up and down her body, cupping her ass and gripping her cheeks. She moaned into my mouth, lifting her hips and touching my raging cock. She guided me to the warmth between her legs, sighing with contentment.

“I love the way you feel inside of me.”