“You know I didn’t hate you.” I brushed her hair over her shoulder. “I was being stubborn and jealous.” I wrapped my hand around her hip. “And for the record, I was eighteen, so trust me, I was definitely thinking dirty and horny things about you.”

She laughed, low and husky.

“Are you drunk?” I asked her, having tasted the wine on her tongue.

“Maybe a little.” Her hips pressed into mine and suddenly her intent dawned on me.

“What did you come in here for, Heaven?”

Her blue eyes blazed. “What do you think I came in here for?”

Just her tone made me hard. The look she gave me and the thought of taking her right there. I glanced at the door, like I could see everyone else down the hall and in return they could see me, but the fog of lust overtook me and I muttered, “Dammit,” and crashed my mouth to hers.

I lifted her on the counter, knocking off the box of tissue. “Thank god you wore a skirt,” I said, pushing it up and dragging down her panties. I pulled her to the edge and spread her thighs, my height making the position perfectly doable. Her fingers twisted in my hair, mine lowered my zipper and then I touched her, making sure she was ready.

“Don’t wait,” she told me, reaching to pull me close. Her hand guided me inside and she exhaled, hot against my neck. It was awkward and hurried, sexy and exhilarating. It didn’t take long for her breath to quicken, her body to shiver, her teeth pressed against my shoulder until she crumpled against my body with release. I loved the weight of her against me as I thrusted inside, loving her mouth, her hands, her everything.

“I love you,” I told her, gasping—spilling—inside of her. “I love you so fucking much, do you know that?”

The words came out in a shudder of breath, honest and true. I was damn lucky to have this goddess in my life.

“I do,” she said, kissing my neck, jaw, and mouth. “And I love you, too.”

We stared at one another, content and happy in this awkward moment in our friend’s home, until a knock rapped on the door.

“Time for dinner. You okay?” Hayden asked, obviously noticing our disappearance.

“Yep. Out in a minute,” I replied in as normal a voice I could find.

We cleaned up and I left the small room first, bumping into Hayden at the end of the hall. His eyes skimmed my disheveled appearance. “Everything alright?”

“Uh, yes. Turns out Heaven was hungry for more than just cheese.”

He laughed and shook his head, walking off toward the food. When Heaven joined us a few moments later we all clicked into place, her nervous energy from before dispelled. Maybe that was all she needed, a quick fuck in the bathroom.

God knew it worked for me.



The encounter with Anderson in the bathroom calmed my nerves—at least a little—for what I knew was coming. Amber had told me they’d found a donor and had the procedure. What she hadn’t told me was whether she was pregnant or not. I had little doubt something was coming and it twisted my stomach into knots.

Dessert had been served, rich chocolate cake with pink and blue flowers on top. The boys were clueless, but I knew…I waited, and my two friends stood at the head of the table, hands intertwined. “We have some news,” Ginger said, unable to fight the smile on her face. She glanced at Amber and together they said, “We’re having a baby.”

The guys reacted predictably, tossing out their congratulations, giving hugs all while I smiled, focusing all my attention on the two women as they explained the process they were going through, the miracle of science, and the decisions they had to make. Amber slipped to the kitchen and returned with a bottle of sparkling cider. Ginger gathered the crystal glasses they’d received at their wedding.

“We went through a long list of donors, but nothing felt right,” Ginger said, filling each glass to the rim. “Finally, we decided to ask my brother. That way, a little piece of my DNA will be in the baby Amber’s going to carry.”

“That’s really cool,” Oliver said, smiling broadly. “I love that your brother is okay with this.”

“It took a little convincing,” she said, “but in the end, he understood. It’s family—it binds us all together.”

Jackson was sitting next to me and leaned over, arm slung over the back of my chair. “Did you know?”

“I knew they were trying.” I took a bite of cake. A big bite.

“Well it’s pretty exciting, right? A baby! I mean, I thought getting a dog was a big decision.”