“Yeah, it’s a lot, but he loves his job and we wanted a house in this neighborhood—in this school district.” She shrugged, but I saw the strain on her face. “Not much I can do about it, though.”

“They seem pretty close in age.”

“Ashley’s two and Davis is three and a half.”

“Wow, that is close.”

“Ashley was definitely a bit of a surprise.” She looked at the girl and smiled. “A good one.”

“Well, let us know if you need anything. One of us is usually around.”

Her expression brightened. “That’s really nice of you, but really I’ve got it under control.” Just then the boy whined about being stuck in the stroller. She rolled her eyes. “Part of that is never stop moving! I guess we’re off to the playground. It was nice to meet you, Heaven.”

“Nice to meet you, too,” I said, meaning it.

We went our separate directions, Sadie leading me back to our neighborhood, and in that very moment I was happy my only responsibility was my dog and the guys.



Heaven sat on the plush purple chair holding a glass of wine, nervously eating cheese off the plate on the coffee table. She’d been acting weird all afternoon, all the way up to us leaving for the housewarming party at Amber and Ginger’s new house.

“What’s going on with her?” I asked Hayden, who’d just come off the back deck with two cold beers. He glanced over at Heaven, taking her in.

“I don’t know, man. I tried to talk to her about it on the beach and she told me some stuff about the changes in our lives stressing her out. I get it but, I don’t know, we’re really pretty stable right now, don’t you think?”

I took a sip of my beer. “What kind of changes did she mention?”

“The dog. The new gym. Stuff at work.” He looked around the house. “Amber and Ginger moving back.”

“None of that is earthshattering.”

“I didn’t think so, either.”

“Something’s got her rattled. She’s running all the time and I swear to god she’s eaten twelve pieces of cheese in the last three minutes.”

As though she sensed us talking about her, Heaven looks over with a questioning expression. Hayden raised his glass to her and I waved. Wow. We both watched her shove three pieces of cheese in her mouth.

“Maybe she’s just hungry,” I said.


I drank the remainder of my beer and carried it over to the counter. Hayden wandered over to talk with Oliver and Ginger. I took the opportunity to head to the hallway bathroom.

I had my hands covered in soap when the door jiggled. “Hold up! Occupied.”

I dried off and opened the door. Heaven stood on the other side.

“Hey—” she pushed me back into the room and followed me in, the door closing behind her with a click. Without hesitation, she fisted her hand in my shirt and pulled me down, pressing her soft, pink lips against mine.

“Remember back in high school how you found me in the hallway of that party, saving me from that asshole Spencer?” she asked suddenly.

I frowned. Why the hell was she talking about Spencer? “Yeah.”

“I wanted you so bad that night. Not like this—not dirty

and horny—but I had the biggest crush on you and god, you hated me.”