But school starts tomorrow, and so what? Maybe I hadn’t run from something so much as ran toward something else. That’s what I’m really here for; a good education.

I head back down the path and glance back, feeling the eyes of the cats watching me. It’s strange, but for the first time since arriving at Preston Prep, I don’t feel so alone.



I wait until the main hall is thick with students before cutting through the crowd toward the science wing where the juniors have their lockers.

The first person I see is Sydney, hair in a side ponytail, lips bright red, skirt barely covering her ass despite the cold. It was never talked about or agreed upon, it was just one of those automatic things. The Devils have decided to stick together. As a result, we’ve all avoided Sydney like the plague after she fucked with Reyn and Vandy last fall at homecoming. Trying to sink her talons into him and almost destroying what he had going on with his girl? Uncool.

I zig zag around her, hoping that maybe she won’t see me.

“Hey Basssssss.”

“Fucking hell,” I mutter, looking back and giving her a scowl. The girl couldn’t take a hint if it were anvil-shaped and dropped from the heavens above. She doesn’t even look put out about my glare, just smiles back at me, wiggling her fingers in a wave.

Worst hookup decision ever.

Suddenly, a hand clenches around my wrist, yanking me into the lockers. I dramatically rub my shoulder, swinging my scowl around. “Ow.”

“Whatever,” Vandy scoffs. “You and I both know that didn’t hurt.”

All the twisted-up stress and anxiety instantly melts away. “V! You’re back!” I sling an arm around her shoulder. “How was it? Was Dr. Drew there?”

She frowns and holds her finger to her lips. “Keep it down, asshole!”

“Oh, right.” No one is supposed to know Vandy spent Christmas break in rehab. “How was your, uh, holiday?”

“Good.” And even if her pretty blue eyes go a little tight at the mention, her tone sounds like maybe she means it. “Honestly, not as bad as I was expecting. No kumbaya, minimal number of share circles, really good food, and…”

I quirk an eyebrow down at her. “And?”

Her cheeks flush in that way Vandy has. Even though she’s a Devil now, and one of the most popular Juniors in school, a part of her will probably always be Emory’s bashful little sister. “I don’t know. I just feel better. Good, you know? Like I can handle it now.”

“You couldn’t before?” I frown, even though I know addiction can be a beast. Vandy’s just always kept things so close to the vest. You’d never know she was struggling with a nasty painkiller addiction.

Just then, a heavy hand lands on my arm and it’s peeled off of Vandy’s shoulder. Reynolds McAllister pulls his girl close and glares. “Wilcox.”

“McAllister,” I reply, mocking his authoritative tone. Military school did a number on this kid. But I’d probably be lacking a sense of humor too, if roles were reversed. I wouldn’t trust a guy like me around her either. Vandy is a catch, but she’s not my type, and it’s really hard to see her as anything but a sisterly-type.

“We’ll catch up at lunch,” I say, catching sight of the flame of red hair that I’m looking for. “Save me a seat.”

I duck away, just in time to avoid watching V and Reyn suck face. God, they’re so cute together, it makes me want to take a picture and then vomit all over it.

Fine, I may be a little bit jealous of the fact they’re happy and getting sex on the reg. From the glow those two put out, it’s got to be some good banging, too. Lucky fuckers.

I slide up to Georgia just as she begins spinning the dial on her lock. She looks up and smirks. “Ah, Bass. I’ve been waiting for you to show up.”

I sink into a lean against the lockers. “Were you aware?”

“That you’re the unluckiest bastard I’ve ever met?” The lock clicks, and she opens the door.

I reach out to sweep her hair away from her neck, grin turning mischievous in that way girls always like. “I don’t know about that. You picked me to be your Stairway to Hell hook-up, didn’t you? Doesn’t seem unlucky to me.”

Used to be, I could flirt with Georgia and she’d get all flustered. Oh, and it was a fucking delight, too. She’s got this pale, freckled skin that goes the brightest shade of pink. It’s a shame that I never got a look at her tits.

Now, she just rolls her eyes, completely unfazed by me. “Bass, we talked about this. It was good, but—”