Georgia awkwardly jumps in, “I think most everyone’s already seen them by now. It’s not a big deal.”

This doesn’t make his girlfriend look any less like she wants to kick me out, so I think fuck it. If these are the people I’m going to be spending my year with, then maybe Reyn and Vandy have it right. Best to just put it out there and get it over with. I follow Vandy’s lead and pull my hair up into a ponytail, exposing my back.

Then I turn to put my clothes away, shoving them roughly into my bag.

When I turn back, Vandy’s just staring at me, mouth parted. It only lasts a moment before she smoothly recovers. “I was just saying that... you know, people don’t actually care. Reyn’s scars don’t detract from his looks at all.” Her smile is small and sad and vaguely apologetic.

Georgia latches onto this with gusto. “They really, really, really don’t.” She sighs, then makes an apologetic face at her friend. “Sorry. You know I think you and Reyn are end game, but your boy is super hot. Me? I’m still looking for my knight in shining armor. Something tells me he’s not going to go to Preston, but I keep trying anyway.”

“Well,” I say, shifting uncomfortably. I think Vandy just told me I’m still pretty or something. “I’m not looking for my knight or any kind of end game. I just want to graduate and move on with my life. Guys are not on my radar right now.”

Vandy and Georgia stare at me, look at one another, then burst out laughing.


Georgia asks, “What exactly is going on with you and Sebastian?”

My lips pull back in a sneer. “Hatred and resentment? He’s an egotistical creep, who for some reason enjoys bothering me.”

“I see the way you look at him,” Vandy argues, and I gape at her.

“Like I want to stab him in the dick?”

She chews her lip pensively for a moment. “Yeah, actually. But there’s just a vibe.”

Georgia agrees, “For someone like Bass, the line between fighting and fucking is pretty thin. I’m not saying the girls around here are pushovers, but he probably isn’t used to one who fights back.” Georgia says. “Like that ice! Oh my god. Leaving that in his locker was inspired.”

“Wait, you’re the one who put that in his locker?” Vandy asks. “Reyn told me about it.”

“Well, Georgia knew his combination,” I say defensively. “And he deserved it.”

“See? That’s what I mean.” Georgia points at me. “He’s good-looking, popular, and comes from a wealthy and influential family. He’s fun but loyal. And fuck, that boy gives the best head. A Preston girl will do anything for that combination, but he’s made it perfectly clear that he’s not into Preston girls.”

“Whoa, whoa, back up.” I hold up my hand. “Did you say he’s good at head? You two hooked up?”

She shrugs. “Yeah, a few times. No sex. Just fun. It started as a…” She glances at Vandy, whose expression is blank. “Well, it was like a dare, I guess. But he’s not what I’m looking for and it’s pretty obvious I’m not what he’s looking for.”

A flicker of emotion burns in my chest at this admission. I like Georgia and have no reason not to trust her. She’s been really helpful to me since I arrived. If she says that she and Sebastian hooked up and everything is cool between them, it gives me pause. But that’s not all I’m feeling. There’s a burning ember of something else. Jealousy.

Not about her being with Sebastian. We all had lives before I came here. No, I’m jealous with the ease that she talks about it all. If only it was that simple to cave to someone like that. Just hook up with no trepidation. To let them see you at your most vulnerable. To let them touch you like that, want you, like it’s no big thing. There’s no way I could do it.

Especially with Sebastian Wilcox.

“Well,” Georgia says, grabbing a towel off a stack on the counter, “I’m not saying you need to cut Bass a break, but if you think fighting with him is going to make him back off, you’re wrong. Sebastian Wilcox lives for a battle. The more you push back, the more he’s going to keep coming for you.”

A heavy rap bangs on the door and Vandy opens it. Reyn stands on the other side, eyes glued to his girl. “Jesus, Baby V, you trying to kill me with that thing?” She grins shyly and walks out. A moment later his hand splays across her scar like a shield, and he kisses her temple.

“Disgusting, aren’t they?” Georgia and I follow them, towels over our shoulders. Cold winter air blasts against my exposed skin, and as much as I’m dreading facing all these people, freezing my tits off isn’t a better option. I head toward the pool, which is currently filled with everyone who hangs out at the lunch table, but realize Georgia is hanging back.

“Are you coming?” I ask, dipping my toes in the heated pool. Ahhhh. Rich people know what they’re about.

Georgia scans the pool deck, her gaze pausing by the patio. A tall man stands in the doorway to the house, handsome with strangely familiar features. Distractedly, she says, “I’m going to head into the house for a minute. Grab some water. You go ahead.”

She walks away before I can protest, and I search the pool for someone to talk to. Reyn and Vandy are caught in a lip-lock on the steps. I can see Aubrey and Emory over in the hot tub. Tyson treads water in the deep-end with a girl I don’t recognize. I think I heard he has a girlfriend that goes to school somewhere else. Caroline, Elana, Carlton, and Ben are batting a volleyball back and forth. Faced with the decision of hanging out with a bunch of couples or playing a sport, I make the quick decision to wade back to the edge and go hide back in the changing room.

“Leaving so soon?”

Sebastian is standing by the edge of the pool in nothing but red swim trunks that are two inches too short and a size too small. I have to take a moment to gawk angrily at him, because seriously? I’d gotten a glimpse of his abdomen that day in the hall, but Jesus Christ.