I shrug, trying to shake it off. “Come on, two out of four? That’s really good, considering. And SCAD and Chicago are really good schools, so it’s not like I don’t have options.”

He’s still seething at my rejection letter. “Well if you’re good enough for SCAD and Chicago, then you’re good enough for Rhode fucking Island. What’s so great about Rhode Island anyway? The world’s largest bug?”

I reluctantly point out, “I actually still want to see that.”

“Nah.” He tosses both letters aside with the rest. “Fuck Rhode Island. We’re not going there, we’re boycotting. Let’s open Yale.” He hands me one of the last two envelopes, and he looks so casual about opening it that I don’t have the heart to tell him that’s it for me.

It was the only really big-league school I applied to, and even that was mostly a lark. I was already well aware it’d take a miracle, but if I couldn’t get into Rhode Island, then I have absolutely no shot at a place like Yale.

Somehow oblivious to this very simple fact, Sebastian rips right into his, tongue peeking out to wet his lips as he reads. I know from the slow smil

e that curves his mouth that it’s good news. His eyes rise to mine. “Got in.” And then he turns to the discarded Northwestern letter, flipping it a middle finger. “Suck on that, bitches.”

I roll my eyes, but inside, my chest aches. Yale is such an amazing school and now he’s going to have to choose between it and me. “Bass...”

“Don’t give me that look.” He nudges the letter in my hand. “Open it before you admit defeat.”

My face feels warm as I open it, knowing that I’m going to have to be rejected twice in front of him. And then he’ll get mad. He’ll say a bunch of bullshit about how it’s their loss. He’ll say he won’t even want to go to Yale anymore, not if they don’t want—

I shoot to my feet. “Oh my god, I got in!” I don’t actually believe it, even after reading it three times, hand clutched to my chest. How the fuck does Cliff trash get into Yale motherfucking University? I look at Sebastian, eyes wide. “Did you have something to do with this?”

He’s halfway up himself, expression caught somewhere between celebration and confusion. “What am I, the mob? I got waitlisted at fucking Northwestern. If I had that kind of pull, I think I could have gotten you into Rhode Island, don’t you think?”

“So this is just…”

“Just you,” he says, gently plucking the letter from my hand. He folds it carefully with his own, blue eyes shining back at me. “Because you’re fucking awesome Sugar Voss.”

Slowly, I realize, “Holy shit, we’re going to Yale.” He doesn’t even stumble when I leap forward to hug his neck, squealing. He effortlessly lifts me, sweeping my feet off the floor and carrying me forward. I don’t realize we’re in the bedroom until we fall into the mattress in one excited, breathless heap.

In one month, it’ll be just like he promised that day in his shower, when he decided to fight for me; just the two of us, and the open road. Three whole months of nothing but having him at my side.

And then four years of the same.

He leans down to kiss me, the warmth of his palm dragging deliciously up my shirt. It’s almost hard to remember a time where I was afraid of this, the brushing heat of him against my skin. Sebastian Wilcox barreled into my life in a whirling dervish of fists and flame, and he rearranged me. Tossed me about. Settled me into someone tidy and sound. The kiss he gives me is all at once sweet and stinging, a lot like the trail of fire left by his fingertips.

That’s just what it’s like to be touched my Devil.

Pre-Order Book 4, Devil Incarnate Today!



Whew, things got tense for a minute, but if there’s one thing about me and Samantha. We may rip everyone to shreds but we will do out best to patch everyone back up at the end.

Thank you for taking this journey with us. When we started Preston Prep it was a one shot with Hamilton and Gwen. The world exploded with the rest of the Devils insisting on telling their own stories.

Special thanks to the readers on our ARC team, Angel’s Antics, Lisa for her patient Beta reading and VC Edits! Sam, as always killed it with the cover.

See you next book! Things are about to get rough.


Thanks so much for reading our self-indulgent angst porn! Big thanks to Angel for dealing with my constant overthinking and 3am manic emails that made almost no sense. And to my Discord nonnies for always being solid and listening to my arguments with myself. And Lisa, who is the best cheerleader. And to my husband, who stood behind me while I wrote the last chapter and acted as such a convincing cutman that I was able to crush it.


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