Bass grabs the discarded blindfold-shirt and uses it to clean himself, then me. When he returns to me, settling back between my legs, head resting on my chest, a stillness settles over us. We’re still breathless, my knees bracketing his ribs, and when I run my fingers through his hair, he hums.

“This is probably super shitty timing,” he says, propping his chin between my breasts to gaze up at me. “Because we’re down in a dungeon, and I just jizzed all over you like a goddamn animal—” He laughs when I clamp my hands over my face, groaning. He reaches up to tug a wrist away. “But the fact that you trusted me enough to come with me, to let me do that, even though you…” The skin around his eyes goes tight, tongue darting out to wet his lips. “And because you’re not scared off by literally everything about me, I just…”

“Just what?” My heart is pounding so hard in my chest, I can’t help but wonder if he can feel it.

Blue eyes bore into mine when he says, “I think I’m falling in love with you, Sugar.”

My mouth parts in shock, chest blooming with a sudden, fierce heat. He stares back at me, frank and sure, like he’s not even waiting for me to say it back. Like I could ignore it and it wouldn’t bother him one bit.

I don’t.

Voice trembling, I reply, “I think I’m falling in love with you, too.”

Some girls would get mad about the words ‘I think’ being added into it, but I get it. Love doesn’t come easy to people like us, especially when it’s muddled inside all these feelings—all these fears. What do I know about love?

His eyes, reflecting the flicker of candlelight, say the same thing.

“Don’t move,” I whisper, keeping still as possible as my hand roots around on the floor in front of the couch. Sebastian, who probably hasn’t stayed still a day in his life, does exactly that. And when my hand grabs hold of what I’m looking for, raising it between us, his only reaction is a slow, soft blink.

The camera’s click is the only sound in the room.

It’s true. I know fuck-all about love. What I do know is that Sebastian makes me feel safe. He makes me feel beautiful and sexy and strong, like I’m not just someone to be suffered. Like I’m someone to be wanted and had and cherished. I just hope that I give him back as much as he gives me.

“If it snows, are you still going home?” Georgia asks as we get ready for class. It’s Wednesday and the memorial is scheduled for tomorrow. Of course, the weather forecast is terrib

le—the first and probably only time this year we’ll get something like snow. Down here though, it’s more likely to be ice that results in power outages and slippery roads. You’d think my mom would change the day for the memorial, but I doubt even a nuclear winter would compel her. As if my dad will know we had to change dates.

“I don’t have much choice,” I tell her. “If I don’t show up, my mom will lose it. It’s really important to her.”

Sometimes, I still wonder why I care. I’m eighteen now. I’m an adult. I don’t live at home. I could never speak to her again, and it’d be perfectly legit.

“Have you asked Bass about the Mustang again?”

“Yeah.” I pull my gloves on, sighing. “Honestly? He’s being kind of weird about it. He says it’s almost ready, but that there’s no way I can take it on the road yet. Whatever the fuck that means. I just need it to be drivable.”

“Hmm,” Georgia says, wrapping a scarf around her neck. “Are you going to ask him to go with you? I mean, I’m still happy to loan you my car for the day if you need it.”

I give her a tight smile. “Thanks. Let’s see what the weather does first. I should have a better idea this afternoon.”

As we step outside, the cold, blustery air slaps against my cheeks, and I feel the first droplets of precipitation. “Jesus,” Georgia gasps, pulling her scarf over her mouth. “I’m going to run to the library and get the books I need for my exam next week. See you later, okay?”

I wave as she runs off, ready to get out of the cold myself. I trek across campus, head ducked low against the wind and rain. Running up the steps of the main building, I slam right into a hard body. Two hands steady me and I look up, prepared for an impromptu meltdown at some random guy clutching my arms.

The panic flares and dies so suddenly that my head spins a bit. “Oh. Hey.”

Bass’s blue eyes peek out from under a black stocking cap. It’s my first time seeing him since we departed last night, on the steps of my dorm, Sebastian giving me a slow, lingering kiss before watching me disappear into the building. From the way he watches me, eyes softening, I suspect he’s remembering the same thing.

I think I’m falling in love with you.

A bitter chill of wind cuts between us, breaking the moment. “I was just coming to find you,” he says, guiding me out of the way of a few classmates walking up the steps. Forehead wrinkled with a frown, he glances toward the dining hall. “I went to check on the cats this morning. Give them fresh water and a few snacks. I’m actually sort of worried about Abby, though.”

From Bass’s calculations, she’s already been pregnant for almost three months—the amount of time it takes for kittens to gestate. “Did you see her?”

He shakes his head. “That’s what’s got me worried. She hasn’t been shy about coming around lately. If she goes into labor and that ice storm hits…” He rips off his cap to rake his hair back, then instantly shoves it back over his head. It’s a useless, fidgety gesture. There aren’t a lot of soft edges to Sebastian Wilcox, but this is one of them.

“Come on,” I say, taking his hand. “Let’s go look for her.”

He glances at the building. “What about Dr. Ross?”