“That’s fair,” Ben admits. “Girl gives good head, though.”

I snort a quiet laugh and Emory’s attention turns to me. “What about you? Who are you going to nominate?”

I know he’s expecting me to say that I don’t know, that I haven’t been here long enough to read the room or scout the options. He’s not wrong. Nerves twist in my belly, knowing what I’m about to propose is going to be tough to sell. I take a calming breath and say, “Actually, I do have a suggestion.”

“Wait, really?” His face shows his surprise. “Who?”


The name is met by an uncomfortable silence, Carlton going still, mid-chew. All eyes dart to Emory, who stares at me for a long moment before bursting out with a loud, “Ha! Yeah, good one.”

I cut my eyes to him. “I’m serious.”

The tense amusement bleeds from Emory’s face instantly. It’s replaced by something dark and threatening. “You’re going to want to get unserious.”

I hold his stare, unheeding of the warning in his eye. “Why?”

He just grinds out, “Not going to happen.”

“Why not?”

Ben and Carlton watch us closely. The back of my neck prickles like crazy, either in warning or annoyance. I’m not sure.

The irony might be lost on Emory, but not me.

The biggest reason I stole that car—and got Vandy hurt to begin with—was to impress the Devils and score myself and Emory a spot in the group. Now we’re bringing the Devils back to life for pretty much the sole purpose of protecting her.

Emory looks at me like I’m an idiot. “Because she’s my fucking sister, Reyn, and I said no. Vandy can’t be involved in something like this.”

I look at the others, lifting my shoulders in a loose shrug. “I’m still waiting for a reason why.”

Emory’s face is growing red now. “Because she’s…” But he’s at a loss for words.

I find them for him. “She’s smart, pretty, and your family. She’s a legacy, like Heston’s brother, Sebastian. Plus, you trust her, right? If this is about building something, then adding someone like Vandy just seems like the right direction to go in.”

Again, there’s a long beat of silence. No one moves, other than Ben shifting uncomfortably in his chair and Carlton inspecting his phone.

Emory leans forward, elbows on his knees, and glances at them. “Guys, Reyn and I need a minute.”

The guys don’t have to be asked twice. They’re out the door, feet echoing off the stone staircase, before vanishing completely.

I try my hardest to appear calm and collected when Emory shifts his attention back on me. “Dude, the fuck is this about?”

I wave my hand dismissively. “Nothing. You asked for a suggestion and I gave one. I don’t even know that many girls here anymore.”

“You’re not even supposed to acknowledge my sister, Reyn. I know all about the rules Headmaster Collins set when he agreed to let you back on campus. Vandy is off limits—not just to you, but any guy at this school.”

I raise an eyebrow. “So now you care about me staying out of trouble? Because I think being involved in this shit goes way beyond me maybe talking to Vandy every now and then, don’t you?”

“That’s not the point.”

“No, the point is that when it comes to her, you don’t think straight.”

“I’m thinking just fine!” Emory exclaims, face flustered. “She’s not that kind of girl. She’s sweet and kind, and she’s been through hell the last few years. This isn’t something I’m getting her involved in.”

“Well, that’s too bad.” I wipe my greasy hands on my jean-clad thighs. “Because if she’s out, then so am I.”

Emory is openly gaping at me. “What the hell is to you, anyway?”