“What about you, V?”

I blink, head whipping around. “What?”

Georgia’s eyebrows are raised. “What does your dress look like?”

I struggle to become coherent. It’s not really working. “Dress?”

“For the dance,” Afton adds.

“Oh, well, I didn’t get one.” My mind had been on other… things. I lower my voice so only the Devils and Playthings can hear. “We’re just kind of making an appearance, right? Does it matter?”

Elana rolls her eyes. “Of course, it matters. It’s a new dress,” she says, as though that clears it up. “And you can’t just walk in all casual like a total rando. That’ll be more obvious.”

“Oh, well.” I frown, trying to think if I have a dress that wasn’t just bought for Easter portraits. “I guess I can figure something out.”

“You can borrow something of mine if you want,” Aubrey says. “We’re about the same size, and my mom’s already started shopping for sorority rush next year. Or at least that’s what she says. Seriously, I have things I’ve never even worn.”

My eyes dart next to her, where my brother is sitting. I didn’t realize he was listening, but he gives Aubrey an appreciative smile for her generosity. Damn, she’s working this hard and he’s buying into it. Not a single one of his prior girlfriends even looked in my direction except for their rare moments of slight pity.

Her voice grows commanding, assured. “Come over tomorrow and dig through my closet. We’ll find you something.”

Although I appreciate the offer, I can’t help but feel like this is one of those moments where everyone is well aware of the fact I’ve never been to a school dance. And even though my social life has changed tremendously over the last few months, due to the secret nature of my relationship with Reyn, I’ll still be walking into this dance alone.

“Speaking of the dance,” Caroline says, her gray-blue eyes twinkling, “poor George looked completely heartbroken when you said no to his invitation.”

“I, uh…” The sound of an aluminum can crumpling comes from the other end of the table. I look down at the soda can crushed in Reyn’s hand.

“Dude. What the hell?” Ben shakes his head at the soda that’s spilled from the can and all over his notebook. He grabs a napkin and wipes it off.

“Sorry.” Reyn’s jaw tenses, and he sets the can down gently.

I turn back to Caroline, eyes rolling. “Heartbroken seems like an exaggeration.”

“I don’t know,” she teases. “He’s been watching you a lot in class lately.”

I push a doubtful ‘psh’ through my lips, but I don’t miss the way Reyn has gone still, green eyes watching me.

“Hey, guys!” Sydney suddenly appears at the end of the table, all sparkly and bright in her cheer uniform. “I overheard talk about the dance. Everyone excited?” There’s a feeble response from the girls. The boys simply ignore her. It’s clear no one is really into talking to her. I stare at my half-eaten sandwich. She ignores being ignored and continues on, “What about you, Reyn? You taking someone?”

Reyn’s chair is tilted back and he slows the chocolate chip cookie he’s about to shove in his mouth. His expression remains impassive, but I can see the tick in his jaw. “I haven’t decided if I’m going yet.”

Of course he’s going. We’re all going, our alibis needing to be air-tight. But if Reynolds McAllister is too cool to commit to a Homecoming dance, he’s certainly too cool to commit to a date.

“Oh,” Sydney says, bending over to adjust her knee sock, which serves to give a flash of her cleavage. “Me either.” She flips her ponytail over her shoulder. “Maybe I’ll see you there.”

He does that guy thing, where he

lifts his chin in acknowledgement but never makes actual eye contact. She walks off, ass swaying under that tiny skirt, and I snap my gaze toward him, because if he’s looking at her legs, at her thighs, I swear to god—

He’s looking at me.

“Damn that was cringy,” Georgia says, breaking the awkward silence that’s settled around the table. “Right? Just coming out and basically asking Reyn to the dance?”

“Straight up thirsty,” Afton agrees, tossing her trash on her tray. “I really wish she wasn’t such a good tumbler, or I’d toss her ass off the squad.” She gives Reyn a look. “Don’t even think about it, Thigh Master.”

Ben mouths a confused, “Thigh Master?”

“Seriously?” Reyn tosses his hands. “Why does everyone think I have such bad taste in women? You’re like the fourth person to tell me that.”