I’ve tied down two trees before I realize he still hasn’t come back. I wander down the rows and hear his voice, alongside a girl’s, one over. I should’ve known. This fucker bailed on his own karmic project to flirt, leaving me to do all the work. I start around the corner when someone grabs me by the arm, pulling me back.

“Watch it—” I say, but swallow the rest as my eyes fall on the face of the person tightly gripping my arm. It’s the face that’s haunted my dreams for the last few weeks. “Oh. Hey.”

She looks amazing. She’s wearing a bright red hat pulled low over her ears, despite it not being cold enough here to merit one, as if it was done for the mere novelty of it. Her cheeks are pink, and her lips have a bit of a shine, like she’s wearing Chapstick. She looks better than the last time I saw her, lacking the dark circles beneath her eyes and the stark deadness within them.

She gazes up at me, those long eyelashes of hers blinking. She blurts, “You have a beard.”

I slowly raise my hand to my chin, stroking it idly. “Yeah, uh… I just—”

Her gaze jumps to the side, her hand squeezing my forearm. “Shhh! Don’t interrupt them.”

I glance around the corner to catch sight of Xavier and the girl he’s talking to. She’s cute, with long blonde hair and bright green eyes. She tilts her face toward Xavier’s and grins. His own face lights up with a bright smile in response.

“Who—” I start but stop myself. It hits me like a ton of bricks. I look down at Gwendolyn. “Is that Skylar?”

“Yes.” She takes another quick fire glance at them before using her grip on my arm to drag me a row over. Finally, she releases me, explaining, “Just give them a minute to talk?”

I stare at her. “You’re okay with them talking?”

Her smile is small and rueful. “They need some time to work things out. It’s not really my business.” Her gaze flicks down to my name tag, and then the work gloves. “You’re working here?”

“Volunteering,” I correct her, eyes rolling. “Or, more accurately, it’s really volun-tolding. I got tricked.” I rock back on my heels, pretending with all my might that I’m not sweating under my jacket. “It’s not so bad.”

“Huh.” She tugs at her winter hat. “I would’ve thought community service. You know, for kicking Heston’s ass.” One of her perfect eyebrows vanishes under the edge of the hat. “I guess I owe you a thanks for that.”

“You don’t owe me anything,” I say, but then decide to take a chance. “I’ve been wanting to talk to you, actually. Do you think—”

“Not now,” she says quietly as Xavier walks around the corner, lugging a tree on his back. “Hey!” she says to him, a touch too brightly. Her eyes dart between her sister and Xavier. “Look who I ran into. It’s like a class reunion.”

“Oh! Hi, Hamilton.” Skylar gives me a reluctant grin—although it’s nowhere near as bright as the one she gives Xavier.

I manage a weak wave. “Hi.”

Xavier senses the tension and claps his hands together, turning toward the check out. “Come on, I’ll get this tied down for you.”

“Great,” Skylar says and they both walk off.

I look back at Gwendolyn, but she speaks before I get a chance. “I hear you’re staying with your sister.”

I huff out a feeble laugh. “Xavier is such a gossip.”

“He really is.” Her expression turns concerned. “And you quit swim? And you didn’t turn in your college applications?”

I shrug, looking away. “That’s more or less accurate.”

She punches me in the arm. “Ow! What the hell, Adams!” Despite the fact that she didn’t even hit the arm with the bad shoulder, I growl, “You and Brayden seriously need to get DNA tested.”

She ignores this, eyes flashing as she throws her hands up. “Why did you give all of it up? I handed it to you, dumbass. All you had to do was coast.”

I rub my arm dramatically. It doesn’t really hurt, or if it does, I can’t tell over the feeling of my heart banging a wild percussion in my chest. I confess, “I guess after you left, I realized it’s not as fun with no one there to compete with. What’s the point if I’m not kicking your metaphorical ass?”

I see a spark in her eye—that competitive spirit that’s always drawn me in. Something passes between us, and it’s familiar, heated, and just as strong as it ever was.

“Gwen? You ready?” Skylar calls.

“Yeah, I’m ready,” she calls back. She starts off but I grab her arm, tugging her back. She blinks at me. “What?”

“I really do want to talk,” I say, begging her with my eyes.