“Fuck,” he mutters. I look back. “What?”


I crawl forward and yank open the bedside drawer. I feel his eyes on my backside as I struggle with the box and tearing one free. I get one loose and toss it back.

“You are pragmatic.”

With two hands he tears off my panties, yanking them down my legs before gripping my ass and lifting it in the air. My belly drops and I scramble to my knees, hands planted by my pillow. I rock back, feeling his hard length run between my legs. He feels good, slippery and wet, and it hurts when he stops to roll on the condom. Soon he’s back, and I push back against him and this time he presses against me, then fills me up. I groan softly, finally fulfilled. He doesn’t hesitate, thrusting forward with a quick, steady pace, both of us already on the damned edge.

Finn rocks into me, pounding out a rhythm. I’m thankful that my bed is on the opposite side of the house from my parents, because neither of us are in a place of self-control. He holds onto my hips, pulling and pushing, in and out. His hand grabs my tit and I buck forward, feeling the wave cresting over me. I’m caught in my own head, my own body, so deep that the deep rumble in his chest is my signal that he’s about to come. He fills me and holds me, skin sticky, bodies twitching.

I’m still rocking, coming down from the high, when I feel him kissing me across my shoulders and down my spine. Slowly he pulls out and mutters a cuss. He darts across the room to my bathroom. I place a foot on the ground, not sure I can stand without wobbling. I do and catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror. Hair wild, cheeks red, sticky cum sliding down my inner thigh.

One word flits through my mind.


I like what I see. Who I am. The strength and boldness.

Kenley Keene, not weak. Not afraid.




I reach over my shoulder and rub the sore muscles in my neck. Sleeping on Kenley’s chair isn’t the most uncomfortable place I’ve slept—but it’s not the best. I’m too tall and after three nights, I’m not sure if my back will ever settle back in place.

Some of that could have come from the fucking, though.


That whole thing had been entirely unexpected. Fantastic. But unexpected. My girl is a freak and I love it.

“I told you to go home,” she says from across the aisle in Lit. Class hasn’t started yet.

“I’m fine.”

She rolls her eyes, then turns to shoot Ezra a glare. “I’m blaming you for this.”

“What’d I do?” he says, then snaps his mouth shut, clearly forgetting he isn’t speaking to her, or really any of us, right now.

“You got him all worried.”

“Justifiably,” Ozzy adds. “We all feel safer with Finn there right now.”

Kenley frowns and faces forward, ignoring all of us. Ezra catches my eye, and I see the appreciation in them. I understand he’s in a tight spot right now, caught somewhere between his father and keeping Kenley safe. He has to be cautious—at least for now.

/> Mrs. Gimple walks in, carrying her usual stack of papers and books, this time accented with a few gift bags. For some inexplicable reason, our teachers aren’t just satisfied with final exams, but they piled on homework the last week of school as well. This added to the general sense of frenzy—Christmas break around the corner. Secret Santa gifts left on desks or tucked into lockers. Ugly sweaters, silly socks, and a million other distractions come at us. The good news is that I think even Kenley has been too busy to think about the conversation she and Ezra overheard between Mr. Baxter and Regina Waller. It may be the first time I’ve been happy for exams.

But, I think, as Mrs. Gimple grabs her marker and heads to the whiteboard, I’ll be happy when this day is over. I can almost taste Christmas break, it’s so close.

“Okay, class,” she says, right as the intercom squeals. She sighs and looks up at the speaker.

“Teachers, please turn on your screens for final announcements,” Mr. Russell directs. Mrs. Gimple turns on the screen and the student news room comes into view. Juliette appears on screen. She’s wearing her purple sparkle Santa hat and a wide smile.

“Seniors—here’s the final update for the retreat. It’s happening next week! Right after Christmas! Packing lists have been posted on ChattySnap, along with room assignments and details about chaperones. Don’t forget to bring something dressy for the New Year’s Eve party.” She narrows her eyes at the screen. “Boys—that means you. No dirty T-shirts. Pack something nice. We leave at seven a.m. Don’t be late!”