“What? That I want to talk to you so bad I’d follow you in here?”

“Perseverance will be your downfall, babe.”

He walks over to the sink and hits the soap dispenser, then washes his hands. I move over against the window and lean against the radiator. “Please talk to me.”

“There’s nothing to say.”

“I don’t believe that—this has something to do with your dad and what we found at that apartment. I know you’re upset. I would be too, but that’s not a reason to—” I swallow, “dump me. There may be a reason. Maybe it’s not so bad. Together we can figure it out.”

His jaw tics and he shuts off the water, reaching for a paper towel. He doesn’t say anything while he dries his hands. My heart hammers in my chest, distressed by his silence. I don’t know what I thought I could talk him into. Taking me back? Saying it was a mistake? Confessing what’s really bothering me?

This is Ezra Baxter we’re talking about. Defiant loner. What did I really expect?

Not what comes out of his mouth.

“I do need you to do something for me.”

Anything. “What?”

“Leave all this with my dad and his friends alone. You solved a murder. It’s a big deal. The police, the media, they all reported on it. But it’s time to let it go.”

My mind spins. “Are you protecting your dad?"

“I’m trying to protect you.”

“I don’t need protecting. Is that what this is about? You think your dad is going to come after me? That just makes me want to find out more.”

“Kenley, this isn’t a fucking game. These are ruthless men, and they don’t like it when people—particularly females—get in their way. Just do me a favor and let this go.”

I stare at his handsome face for a moment, taking in the sharp curves of his cheekbones and the pouty shape of his lips. There’s a look of desperation in his eyes I’ve never seen before, and it tugs at my heartstrings in a way that’s very hard to ignore. But I do. “You don’t get it both ways, Ezra. You don’t get to tell me you want out of my life while still telling me what to do with my life. It doesn’t work that way.”

He blinks, hot anger under his skin. “Fine. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

He walks past me and I jump in front of him, physically stopping him. “You’re serious about this? You’re really walking away from me? From us?”

He looks down at me and goosebumps rise on across my flesh. With two hands he grips my upper arms and picks me up, moving me out of his way. He doesn’t say another word, but his actions answer my question loud and clear.

Ezra Baxter is done.

“He just left you there? In the men’s room.”

“Right by the urinals.”

Ozzy wrinkles his nose. We’re in my office in the yearbook room. “He wants me to stop poking around into the stuff with his dad and Rose.”

“Has he met you?”

I make a face. “I’m just curious, that’s all.”

“Do you think he’s afraid of s


“Maybe his dad. Maybe for his dad. He claims he’s trying to protect me.”

A line of worry crosses his forehead. “Then maybe you should listen to him.”

I sigh. “The truth is, I’m too busy to even deal with all that, right now. Skipping school the other day got me behind in two classes. Mr. Cortez is making me write an essay as punishment. All the deadlines are looming for the yearbook—I have to finalize all of those pages.” I point to the stack of photos from the archives. “I regret agreeing to this centennial issue. It’s so much extra work.”