I start the process of going over my football stats in my head, but she blinks, fluttering her eyes, at first disconnected, but then holding mine.

“Hi,” she says.

“Morning. Ozzy took your car to go get coffee. How are you feeling?”

Darkness flickers in her eyes. “Less angry and more worried—I don’t like what Ezra’s doing.”

“Me either.”

She scoots toward me, her hand moving under the blanket. I adjust, hoping she won’t encounter my full-blown erection, but she brushes against me and I grimace at the combined pleasure and pain. Her eyes grow wide.

“So it’s true,” she says, leaning on her elbow.

I push the tip under my waistband. “What’s true?”

“That guys wake up excited.”

“Oh yeah, that’s not an urban legend. Wait, we had ninth grade health together. I’m pretty sure you were there for the horrifically embarrassing talk about nighttime emissions and morning erections.”

“It’s different hearing about it and seeing it.” Her eyes drift downward. “Can I see it?”

The remaining blood that was making the rest of my body function drives straight between my legs. I honestly didn’t know I could get harder. “That’s not something you ever really have to ask me.”

She smiles and pushes against my chest. I lean back and take a deep breath as she lowers the blanket. The outline of my dick is obvious under my shorts, even if I managed to tuck it against the elastic. She runs her hand down the cotton and I clench my jaw.

“It’s really hard.”

“That’s why they call it wood.”

She reaches into the flap and coaxes me out with a soft, delicate hand. “Does it feel…different? You know, than a normal boner.”

This girl.

“It’s, uh, sensitive. Like, really sensitive. And harder than normal, which is really fucking saying something. Most mornings I have to deal with it or I can’t even get on with the day without feeling like it’s going to just spring back out at any moment."

“Deal with it?”

I raise an eyebrow. “Jerk off.”

Kenley’s not naïve, but she’s not overly experienced. She likely has no idea that sitting in this bed with her tits pressed against that threadbare shirt and knowing her panties are just an inch away under the hem, that after sleeping next to her all night…this whole damn situation has me wound so tight I’m about to lose it. It actually does feel different this time, which is not something I really knew. Mixing the bodily function with actual, emotional arousal.

It’s a whole new feeling.

“Maybe I can help.”

I swallow. “Here?”

She nods.

I look over to Ozzy’s empty side of the bed. “I’m not sure Oz would be okay with it.”

She scoots closer, her warm, bare legs shifting against mine.

“He was okay with you being here last night.”

“Yeah, but…” I start, trying to come up with a rational argument. It’s lost somewhere as my brain fades out, watching her reach for me again. My jaw clenches, every damn nerve in my body frayed and on end. She bites down on her bottom lip and I get the distinct feeling my girl likes dick. A lot.

She moves to straddle my legs, and it’s a testament to the fogginess of my brain that I’m stunned when she lowers her head and runs her tongue over my tip. A shudder runs through me. She looks up at me and our eyes connect.