He crosses the room to his closet, and I look around it. I’ve mostly only been over to his house when the other guys were here—out in the main room. The room is a perfect reflection of Ozzy. Band posters and shelves of books. He has an intricate computer set up, including a head set and a different gaming system. On his dresser, tucked behind a wooden box, I spot a picture of the two of us at homecoming—another of the four of us.

“These may fit,” he says, handing me a pair of sweat pants and a T-shirt. He grabs his own clothes off the end of the bed and goes into the bathroom, giving me privacy, as if we haven’t seen each other naked.

We haven’t ever spent the night together.

I change into the slightly too big pants and the soft, threadbare Foo Fighters T-shirt and pull back the comforter on his king-sized bed. I’m not used to something so big.

He steps out of the bathroom in shorts and a T-shirt, hat off and his hair dipping into his eyes. He pauses, seeing me propped against the pillow, eyes sweeping over me. He walks over and flips off the overhead light.

“Lucky you,” he says, easing in the bed next to me. “I just changed my sheets.”

“I am lucky,” I say, and lean over to kiss him. I run my hand down his stomach. He pulls away.

“I didn’t invite you here to, you know. I know you’re not in a good place right now.”

“Actually, I’m in a very good place. Right here with you.” I hold his eye. “I’m upset about Ezra. Like, really upset, but this relationship is about more than just him. We’re still solid, right?”

“Yeah, of course.”

“Good. Then there’s really nothing that would make me feel better than fucking you right now.”

His eyes light up at my language and with our close proximity I can see that he’s already aroused.

“You may not have invited me here for sex, but you sure seem ready anyway,” I joke.

He brushes my hair over my shoulder, fingers skimming my neck. “I’m always ready around you.”

“I’ve noticed.”

His fingers move under the hem of my shirt, grazing my lower belly. “It was worse before—back when you weren’t mine.”

“What do you mean?”

The clothing I’d just put on starts to peel right back off. His hands cup my breasts, thumbs rolling over my nipples. “That there’s a reason I always sat behind you in class. Close enough to see you, catch the scent of your hair if you moved the right way.”

“Really?” I push my hand under his shirt, down his waistband. I think back a few years, realizing that Ozzy was always in a seat nearby. “I didn’t know.”

He looks up at me and smirks. “You had no idea you were driving me and half the class crazy in those tight sweaters?” I shake my head. “Fair enough, I didn’t want you to know that I was sitting behind you with a hard-on all the time, anyway. I spent half the day reciting math equations just to calm myself the fuck down.”

I laugh, and he makes quick work of discarding my pants and his. Our bodies are heated against one another. I fight the urge to grind into him. His hand runs down my thigh, his thumb dipping between them. Everything fades in the peripheral with that one simple touch.

“I noticed you too,” I say. “Your sarcastic jokes and scathing classroom commentary. I thought it was funny.”

“Did you? You always scowled.”

“I couldn’t let you know I thought it was funny.”

“Of course not. Had to keep up that good girl persona.” He bends and licks the skin between my breasts while slowly rubbing his thumb between my legs. Ozzy is an observer and he quickly learned what makes me fall apart. “Few people know the dirty girl with a wicked brain and killer body and destructive mouth, that hides underneath those crew neck sweaters and that innocent ponytail.”

He reaches behind my head and yanks out the tie, my hair spilling over my shoulders. He kisses me as he reaches behind him for a condom in the bedside table. He rolls it on, faster and more efficiently that first time in the car. He settles into me and I ready myself for him, locking my ankles behind his back.

He holds my eye as he pushes in, an intimacy that Ozzy likes. He wants closeness and I’m happy to give it to him—he’s a steadiness in the rocky world we’re living in—especially after tonight.

His movements increase, and his eyes drop, focused down on my chest. I look down as well and see my tits moving with every thrust. He glances back at me, a small grin twisting his lips from getting busted watching me. I run my hand down his cheek and lift up, kissing him hard on the mouth.

Our talk subsides, both of us consumed with one another. My breathing comes quick and shallow and I grip his arms, tumbling deep into our rhythm. He straightens with my legs still wrapped around him, and he touches me again,

coaxing me toward my climax. The tension builds and my brain splits, shattering at the same time as my body.