He shakes his head. “You’re not as invisible as you seem to think, KK. People notice you. I noticed you. Finn, Oz.” He touches my chin and forces my eyes up. “Don’t underestimate yourself.”

The song ends, and the DJ announces he’s taking a short break. Mr. Russell strides across the stage. Ozzy and Finn appear by my sides, returned from wherever they’ve been.

“It’s time for a few announcements,” the principal says. “We changed things up this year, for uh, obvious reasons. There was no announcement of who won the float contest this year or crowning a homecoming queen, but our school leadership wanted to make sure that tonight was notable all the same. So let me start off with the winners of this year’s float building contest.” He pulls a slip of paper out of his pocket. “Senior class!”

Cheers erupt along with a few expected boos. Juliette and her cheer squad the loudest. I’m excited, though. Everyone worked hard and pulled together. I grab the guys and give each one a hug.

“I have a few more announcements,” Mr. Russell says. “Although we agreed on no homecoming court this year, or queen, it felt strange to leave a gap in the traditions of Thistle Cove. We’re more than one person, we’re a living organism that continues to thrive even when we’ve been injured. The teachers and a few selected alumni got together and created a new list of awards: the Viking Awards."

Mrs. Gimple walks across the stage, followed by another familiar face, Shannon Hughes. The two stand mid-stage, carrying two boxes.

Mrs. Gimple begins, “Tonight isn’t about beauty, or popularity, or how many votes you can get. Tonight is about honoring Thistle Cove students who exhibit the long-standing attributes of our school. Strength, truth, loyalty, courage, perseverance.”

“We have two awards,” Shannon says, face glowing from the stage lights. “One for the Viking and one for our Valkyrie. Both of these students have exemplified the characteristics that the school treasures during challenging times. Both focused on the better of the community, being a figure of strength for the rest of the school, and always determined to reveal the truth, no matter how challenging that may be.”

They take a moment to unpack their boxes, revealing two crowns. One larger than the other, but both the same design; metal woven into the shape of a twisted vine. Horns sprout from the sides of the larger one. Wings from the smaller.

Mrs. Gimple steps up to the microphone. “We’re excited to announce our first Viking and Valkyrie award to Finn Holloway and Kenley Keene.”

Finn receives instant cheers while a few stumble after hearing my name. I don’t blame them. I’m both shocked and confused.

“Told you, KK,” Ezra whispers in my ear. “Never underestimate yourself. No one else is.”

Finn, accustomed to accolades, doesn’t hesitate to grab my hand and lead me up the stairs. The first face I see is Juliette’s. I expect bitterness. I sense respect.

It’s very surreal.

Finn, ever the golden boy, easily accepts his crown from Mrs. Gimple, while I function like I’m having an out of body experience. Shannon stands in front of me and places the metal crown on my head. “You deserve it, Kenley. You’re the rock of this school. You’re the one that carries the warriors to recognition. A truth seeker, the historian, for the living and the dead.”

I look at the boy next to me and he winks, a smile on his lips, then out into the crowd at Ozzy and Ezra, who look equally proud. The weight of the crown rests on my head, down my neck and settles on my shoulders. It’s not an award, but a directive. I plan on finishing what I’ve started.

After the award ceremony, Finn takes my hand and leads me out the back door of the gym.

“Where are we going?”

“Trust me,” he says, pushing through a door at the end of the hall. It’s one of those doorways I’ve never thought much about, assuming it leads to a maintenance room or something. A dark staircase is revealed.

My fingers tighten against his, but I do trust him, and carefully climb the steps in my heels.

“Where does this lead?” I ask, halfway up. I can see light at the top of the stairwell.

“To the balcony over the gym. You know, where the wrestling team practices?”

I’ve never thought much about the wrestling team or where they practice. We reach the top and step out into a small flat room. One side has a half of a wall and railing, the colorful, twinkling lights from below casting up here, giving everything a hazy glow. Someone has also come up and hung a few strands of lights as well as shimmery balls that reflect back. Music echoes up here. Across the room I see Ezra and Ozzy, breathtakingly handsome and watching me closely.

“Although we made our grand entrance,” Finn says, “we thought maybe this would be a better way to celebrate homecoming together. I blew my chance Freshman year, there’s no way I’m doing it again.”

I’m terribly spoiled.


music shifts downstairs to something slower—one of my favorite songs. Ezra grins. “I may have bribed the DJ to play an extended version.”

“Of course you did,” I say, but he grabs my hand and pulls me close. Up here we don’t have to keep our distance and our bodies crash together.

He looks down at me with glittering eyes and says, “You’re so fucking sexy, KK. Every other girl out there is showing as much of their body as possible. Not you. You’re in this dress that’s adorable and hot at the same time, like some kind of pin-up fantasy.” His hands tug at my skirt and the crinoline whispers in response. “All I want is to get under this skirt, you know that?”

Yeah, from the hard bulge pressing into my lower belly, I do know it.