“It is,” I agree. “I’m hoping it looks good on my college applications.”

He nods. “I’m sure it will. Leadership, creativity, organization. Those are all things they’re looking for.”

“Fingers crossed.” I glance down at his hand. “Speaking of fingers, can I take a picture of your ring? For the yearbook? It’s such an iconic image, you know?”

He holds up his hand and laughs. “This little thing?”

I pull out my phone and he lifts up his hand, splaying his fingers. I zoom in, getting all the intricate details. The amethyst stone topped with small diamonds shaped into a “V.” At the top it says “State” and the bottom “Champions.” The sides are a triangle with the letters THS and the year. In the center is the number nineteen.

“That’s pretty fancy ring.”

“In two weeks I plan on adding to the collection,” he says with a grin. “By the way, I should thank you for helping Finn.”

“What do you mean?”

“I know you two have gotten close lately—since Rose’s death. He’s needed someone strong in his life to help keep him focused on the positive—on the game.”

“Finn loves football and is committed to the team. I don’t think anything would have changed that for him.”

He sets his sapphire eyes on me—the ones that feel like they’re piercing into your soul. “I know the power of having a strong, supportive woman in your life.” He taps the photo of him and Monica in high school, the one with the ring on her finger. “She’s my rock.”

“Did you know then that she was the one?”

“From the very beginning when she agreed to go on our first date.”

“Where was that?”

“Kendrick’s, actually.”

“Sounds like a fairytale. I learned the other day that Jacqueline worked at Kendrick’s.”

A line crosses his forehead. “Who?”

“Jacqueline Cates,” I say innocently. “She was a year below you. Disappeared? Found murdered? We’re doing a memorial page on her for the Valhalla.”

“Oh.” He frowns, eyes blank. “Right, Jacqueline. Quirky? A little edgy? I didn’t really know her.”

“I thought you may have. She was on the debate team with Brice—Mr. Waller. They were friendly.”

“Brice has always had a separate circle of friends—due to his interest in politics. But yes, I do recall he and Jackie were friends.”

“She was really pretty.”

“I guess? She wasn’t exactly my type.”

That makes me laugh. “Independent, lots of personality, confident, yet restless? That sounds exactly like your type.”

His eye twitches. “What are you talking about, Kenley?”

My heart hammers in my chest, pounding like a runaway freight train. I try to keep my voice level when I say, “I know about Rose, and girls like Kayla James.”

“I’m not sure what you mean? Yes, they’re both students, or were. At times, both came to me for assistance.”

“Is it like that movie with Matthew McConaughey? The one with the joke about how he loves high school girls, because even though he gets older, the girls just stay the same age?”

“I think you’re confused.”

“No, I don’t think I am.” My hand fists at my side. “I know you were sleeping with Rose. And I know she was looking for wealthier, more connected men. Is that what happened with Jacqueline? She wanted more, too? Someone with bigger dreams than a high school football coach? Or was Jacqueline an accident? One you didn’t make a second time and is why they still haven’t found Rose’s body.”