She walks over and touches the ice pack. “You’re sure you aren’t hurt?”

“Promise. If I was really hurt, Coach would have me at the ER getting x-Rays. He’s just nervous about the game. Brookdale is also undefeated.” I take her hand in mine. “What are you doing here so late?”

“Just some yearbook business. This whole centennial issue is a huge headache. Twice the content with no more space or budget.” She sighs. “But we’ll figure it out.”

“I’m sure you will.”

“I may also be dreading going to Juliette’s to work on that Lit project tonight. It’s been a long time since I’ve been to her house.”

Maybe that’s why she looks so tired. Being around Juliette wears me the fuck out, too. “Her mom always has good food,” I offer, with a small grin. She doesn’t smile back. “Hey, what’s really going on?”

“Last night I went over to Ezra’s. His dad was supposed to be out of town. He wasn’t and walked in on us in a, uh, compromising position.”

I grimace. “Ezra Senior is a hardass, but it’s not like he can throw stones about his son wanting to be with a beautiful girl.”

Her cheeks flush at the compliment. “Yeah, well, I get the feeling being with a girl isn’t the issue. It’s being with me.”

“What are you talking about?” Kenley’s the girl every guy's parents wishes they’d date. Pretty, smart, fun. They have no idea that underneath it all she’s even hotter—adventurous and drop-dead sexy.

She tells me about the altercation in the Baxters' kitchen during float building—and the way he behaved the night before. “I’m okay as a plaything—but nothing more—and honestly, I guess I could handle that, but it’s the way he looks at me. The way he talks to me. Like I’m gum on the bottom of his shoe.”

I pull her to me, positioning her between my legs and looping my arms around her neck. “What did Ezra say? He seemed okay this morning.”

“He was furious last night, but today he just acted like it was no big deal.”

“I know it’s hard to hear this, but maybe it wasn’t. Ezra Senior is a dick, Kenley. Everyone knows it. He’s out on the side of the field right now watching Ezra’s every move. It doesn’t make what you experienced or how you feel any less valid, but Ez has to deal with that shit every day.” I press my forehead to hers. “I’m sorry that happened to you.”

“It was so humiliating,” she whispers, eyes watering. “And the way he looked at me—like I was trash.”

“That’s his problem not yours,” I tell her. “He knows you’re a threat—not just as an easy lay. Ezra could have any girl he wanted, but he picked you, the full damn package. Intelligent, creative, determined, fucking gorgeous. You’re not going to be easily manipulated or sit on a man’s arm like candy. That’s the kind of woman Ezra Senior craves, and it terrifies him that his son doesn’t want the same.”

She sniffs. “When did you get so eloquent, Finn Holloway?”

“I’ve always been this way, no one wanted to look past my throwing arm.”

She lifts her chin and I run my thumb down the column of her neck. Her lips part and I kiss her, feeling the warmth of her mouth, her tongue. I know it’s crazy to talk about her being with one guy and having her in my arms the next—it’s crazy because it feels so incredibly right. Ezra may not be able to be here for her right now, but I can. And I know he’d do the same for me. For Ozzy. For her.

I take this moment with her—both of us licking our wounds—my body, her soul. I know in my heart that together, we can heal and grow stronger.



Although Juliette only lives three blocks away, it’s been years since I’ve even walked past her house. Our neighborhood is a series of twisting road and tucked away cul-de-sacs, which means that although we all live close to one another, if your street isn’t on the main drag, it’s not necessary to ever drive down.


A rush of déjà vu rolls over me as I stand on the front porch. I tried to come up with a million reasons not to come tonight. Sick. Slacker. Forgot. The real reason I don’t want to come is that, although Juliette has become less of an enemy in the last month, I can’t say the same about her parents. Monica and I had that awkward exchange during float building, and Coach Chandler? I’m convinced he’s a predator. Probably with Rose. Definitely with Kayla, even if she won’t admit it. The marks on her neck prove it.

Why didn’t Senor Cortez just let me turn in something alone?

I press the doorbell and hear it chime in the house. A minute later, Juliette swings it open. A flicker passes between us. Things are different now. We’re not friends, but the energy that fueled our feud is gone.

“Hi,” I say, crossing the threshold and holding up the bag in my hand. “I brought the heavy cream and butter. Thanks for letting us meet here.”

“Sure. My mom gets weird during cheerleading season. She wants me home as much as possible at night. You can leave your coat on the hook.” She points to a long rack where two other jackets hang. “Emily and Sadie are already in the kitchen.”

It’s a good group—all four of us high achievers. We’re required to create a dish from the region we’re studying. It’s that or make a video. Obviously, no one wants to make a video. Plus, we get to eat what we bring to class. That’s why we picked a spice cake.