Janice’s face fills the screen, her eyes filled with a spark of light. “You heard the Chief, if you know anything, please come forward. Until then, keep your thoughts and prayers on the citizens of Thistle Cove as they fight for better days.”

The video stops. Kenley is frozen next to me. Finally she says, “Holy shit.”

I raise an eyebrow. “I wonder where she got all that information about Jacqueline Cates?”

She shrugs. “I don’t know, but it’s about time someone started paying attention around here.”

“Kenley? You up?” Her mom calls.

“Yeah mom! Give me a minute!”

“Shit,” I mutter, jolting at the sound of her mom’s voice, half falling out of the bed. I reach for my shoes and phone.

She hops out of bed while I cram my feet into my sneakers.

“See you tonight?” she asks.

“Yep.” I grin. “Tonight.”

I climb over the desk and out the window, where I look back one last time. She’s picked up the flower and has it held to her nose, a small smile playing at her lips.

Tonight, I think, readying myself for the leap back to my house, no matter what, needs to be perfect. Drama and Rose free.

To make that happen, I already know that I can’t do it alone.



“Honey, you look amazing,” my dad says as I walk down the stairs.

My skirts swish with each step, the layers of crinoline bouncing against my thighs. My mother snaps three pictures before I even get to the landing.


“I’m sorry, but you look gorgeous and I’m taking as many pictures as I want.” There are tears in her eyes, and I know some of this is the stress and strain of losing Rose. Because of that, I relent.

“What time are you meeting Alice?” my mom asks, reaching out to fuss with my hair. I have it back in an artfully messy bun that took me two hours to get exactly right. I won’t deny that I spent extra time getting ready. I want to look good for the guys. Good for myself. The dress I bought three months ago at a vintage store is killer, and my mom is right. I look pretty freaking hot.

“Um, I think we’re going to just meet there.”

Yeah, I haven’t told my parents about the break Alice and I are currently taking. It just seemed too much and honestly, would make them start asking a lot of questions about where I’ve been, who I’ve been spending time with…things I’m not ready to start answering.

My plan is to drive to the school, buy my ticket and walk in stag. I can handle that.

But as I pick up my keys and walk to the door a long, sleek, black car pulls up to the curb.

“Who is that?” Dad asks, pushing aside the curtain.

“I don’t know.”

The driver gets out and walks around to the back door, opening it. A dark head of hair pokes out, followed by tan skin and a brilliant toothy smile. Ezra hops out, pats the driver on the shoulder and walks up the front path.

“Is that Ezra Baxter?” Mom’s voice is instantly curious.

I get it. Ezra on a typical day is good looking. Ezra in a perfectly cut suit and tie? Yowza. My knees buckle.

I fumble with the door and open it, looking between him and the car.