It’s a somber parting, but nothing about this is happy. Ozzy takes the box from Mrs. Cates, and she ushers us to the door. None of us speak until we’re back in the car.
“That was rough,” Ozzy says from the back seat. The box is on his lap.
“It was, but I think she enjoyed having us there,” I reply, starting the car. “I think doing this memorial page is the right thing to do.”
“Or it’s poking the hornet’s nest,” he replies, “which is exactly what Chief McMichael told you not to do.”
I look in the rearview mirror, catching his eye. “I’m not planning on poking the nest,” I say, glancing over at Shannon. “I want to take the whole damn thing down.”
Since tonight is the final day of float building, I stop by my house to change after school. We’ll work non-stop until the judges come by and force us to put down our tissue and glue—if we’re finished or not. Tomorrow we’ll haul the trailer to the school where they’ll be judged before the parade.
The weather turned that afternoon and cold wind whips off the water. I’m looking for the Gryffindor scarf Alice gave me for Christmas two years ago. She sorted me into that house using the fansite. I don’t care what house I’m in—the scarf is soft and warm. I toss through my closet and dresser, trying to remember where I saw it. I squat, opening the bedside table drawer, and see the burgundy and gold fringe, right behind Rose’s iPod.
I pull both out and sit back on my heels, opening the device.
Messages pop up, but I skim past them quickly, looking for the only one I’m interested in. Down near the bottom; BD has replied.
BD: Never give up hope, Princess, or underestimate your worth. I think my girls are lucky. I provide support to them in a variety of ways; emotional, spiritual, financial. I truly believe that every female should blossom into a strong, sensual, capable woman. That’s why I joined SugarBabies in the first place, this isn’t a place where men have all the control—women are powerful, and in this world, you can assert yourself to maximize your worth.
Once again BD surprises me. He’s not vulgar or an asshole. He’s very smooth and convincing. If he spoke to Rose like that, I have no doubt she would have found it very appealing. Living with Brice Waller is like living under a microscope, and, like Juliette said, under his thumb.
Eden: I like the sound of having some control over my life—lately everything has been feeling just the opposite. Not only is my mom sick and my dad gone a lot, but a good friend of
mine killed herself. My best friend. It’s been really hard, and it makes me wonder what’s the point of it all? So yeah, having some power would be awesome. If only I had a magic wand and a fairy godmother to make it happen.
I read it over twice, wondering if by mentioning Rose I’ve gone too far, but I’m playing a game of cat and mouse. At some point I have to make a move.
I press submit and stash the phone, then stand to wrap the scarf around my neck. I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror. My cheeks are tinted red from the discomfort of communicating with BD, my hair is up in an easy ponytail, and the scarf is tied in a knot at my neck. No one would have a clue I’m in my room doing what I’m doing. No more than anyone had an idea the trouble Rose was flirting with.
I glance over at the box that Mrs. Cates gave us today. I can’t dig into it now, but I have a feeling that like me, like Rose, Jacqueline may have been flirting with her own kind of trouble.
I plan on finding out exactly what it was.
The final night of float building is insane. Lights blaze in the driveway, Ozzy, Finn, and Juliette direct everyone as they finalize the structure. Our Viking has one leg that’s shorter than the other and a group of girls just realized they misspelled “Crush” forgetting the ‘R’ but overall it’s coming together.
“What’s going on with the tiger’s teeth?” Kenley asks.
“I’m not sure. We let the art club kids handle it, but they kind of look like razor blades, right?”
She laughs, and I fight the urge to wrap my arms around her. When I realized Kenley marked me with a hickey, I almost sent it out on ChattySnap for the whole world to see, but that’s now how we’re doing this. It’s low key, which is fine, that’s typically how I roll, but with this girl? I want the world to know she’s mine.
Car lights flash in the driveway and chatter picks up. A few minutes later, Coach Chandler gets out of the SUV. He walks around the front and meets his wife, Monica, grabbing her hand.
“Blech,” Kenley says. “It’s hard to look at him after hearing him creep on Kayla like that.”
I sense her stiffen as they walk closer.
“Ezra,” Coach says, thrusting out his hand. I shake it. “Kenley, I see you’re showing your house colors tonight. I expect some purple and gold tomorrow.”
She gives him a tight smile, her eyes flicking over to Monica, who barely glances our way.
They walk down to the fire pit where my dad, the Wallers, and a few other parents are standing around.
“Ugh, he makes me want to take a shower.”