The other night. We’ve said a lot of thing the past few days. More than we have in years, but there’s only one thing he could be talking about; when he confessed that he had feelings for me, always had.

“There’s nothing to talk about,” I reply, hoping my voice sounds even.

He frowns. “Kenley, this may be the hardest week of my life and the only thing getting me through it is knowing that you and I are friends again.”

“It’s been nice.”

“I don’t want to fuck that up, so if that’s what you want—just friends—I’m okay with that.”

I nod, unable to really speak. It’s not all I want. I want more, but everything is moving way too fast.

He runs a hand through his damp hair. “I saw you out there with Ozzy. Is that new?”

A lump forms in my throat. “It is new, really new, and we’re just seeing how things go.”

He nods. “He’s a good guy, and I know he’ll treat you right.”

“He is, and I agree, he will.”

Tension ebbs between us. I’ve waited so long to hear Finn tell me he has feelings for me, but now isn’t the right time. For so many reasons. He walks to the door and opens it, allowing me to exit first. His hand touches my back as I pass him, and it sends an undeniable thrill up my spine. There’s a moment where I think of caving—pushing him back in that dark room and crossing every boundary that has ever existed between us. I don’t. It?

??s not fair to either of us, to Ozzy, or really, even to Rose.

“Isn’t this rich,” a catty voice calls from across the pool.

I look up and see Juliette. She’s wearing a black strapless romper—the shorts barely covering her butt. A red party cup is in her hand and she’s surrounded by half the football team and most of the cheer squad.

“Juliette, hey,” Finn says. I say nothing. Why would I? This girl is not my friend. Unfortunately, Finn feels the need to explain. “Just cleaning up after the game.”

“Did you need help reaching the hard spots?”

She smirks and laughter echoes over the pool deck. My face turns red and I start to walk back to the fireplace, hoping Ozzy is still there. Juliette arcs around the side of the pool and cuts me off.

“What are you doing here, anyway, Keene?”

“I was invited.” My voice comes out smaller than I’d like.

She laughs, mean eyes flicking to Finn. “Seriously, Rose is gone for five days and you’re already sniffing around someone else? Someone she hated? No wonder she’d stopped fucking you.”

Finn’s bag drops with a thud on the ground and he steps forward. “You don’t know a goddamned thing about me and Rose.”

“I know more than you think, sweetheart.” She smirks, then cuts her eyes back to me. “I know she’d be horrified to know you let this pathetic trash come in here.”

Finn looks like he may explode; his face red and a vein throbbing on his neck. I have no idea what to do. Luckily, someone else comes to the rescue.

“That’s enough, Juliette,” Ezra says, appearing from the back door of the house. He cleaned up after the game and looks good in a blue button-down and jeans. His skin is tanned and cheekbones sharp in the hazy light. I spot Ozzy a few feet behind him, watching the whole scene. “I invited Kenley, and if you have a problem with that, then you can take your pom-poms and leave.” Her jaw tightens, and she searches for a retort. Ezra doesn’t give her a chance. “What the fuck are you doing here anyway? I thought high school parties were lame, and you only ran with an older, more mature, crowd now.”

The pool deck has grown silent—the only sound coming from the thumping bass through the speakers. Juliette pales at Ezra’s accusation.

“You don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about.” She glances over her shoulder at a few girls that have surrounded her since Rose went missing. “But you’re right about one thing, this party is lame.”

Juliette storms out, followed by her lackies. After a few awkward beats, the party continues. Ezra and Ozzy walk over to me and Finn.

“What the hell was that all about?” Ezra asks, zeroing in on me. “Are you okay?”

“I went to the guest house to use the bathroom, and Finn was already in there. We walked out at the same time and she just…I don’t know, pounced.”

I glance up at Ozzy to see if he’s bothered by me being alone with Finn. He seems unfazed by that, his eyes distant, focused elsewhere.