
The group message comes last period. I check my phone under my desk.

Ozzy: We need to meet. Cottage?

Finn: After Football.

Ezra: Ditto

Ozzy: 9?

While I type, both Ezra and Finn agree to meet there. I take a deep breath and for some reason, check to make sure no one sees me when I press reply.

Kenley: I’m in.

I have to use the flashlight on my phone to find the cottage. The forest is thick, making visibility limited even with the moon shining overhead. I go on memory, remembering the knotty tree and the wide stumps that mark my turns. I breathe a sigh of relief when I see the little green house up ahead. A small light shines in the window, and I’m happy I’m not the first one here.

The door opens as I approach, and Ozzy stands inside, hunched over and peering out the window.

“Any problem getting out?”

“No. My parents were fully involved with whatever cry-fest TV show they’re into right now.”

He smiles and steps aside, giving me space to enter the little cottage. It’s too far away from the main property to have power, although I have no doubt Mr. Waller would have supplied it if Rose had asked. Ozzy brought a camping lantern and placed it on the little table in the corn


A few seconds later both Finn and Ezra show up and once again, we’re crammed in the small space. I’m not going to lie and say that I’m overwhelmed by the fresh, clean smell of both football players just out of the shower. The space is tight, and they smell ridiculously good. We manage to get back into the seats we were in the last time we were here and before anyone can say another word, Ezra pulls out a bottle of whisky and unscrews the cap.

“Don’t tell me you don’t need a drink.”

I’m not a big drinker. I don’t think Ozzy or Finn are either, but after the week we had, just like last time with the weed, I take a hit when the bottle passes me by.

“This is so weird,” I say, identifying the elephant in the room. “The four of us together like this, again. What would Rose think, knowing her disappearance brought us back together?”

“She’d probably be horrified,” Ozzy says.

“Or pissed,” Ezra adds.

“I don’t know,” Finn says, knees awkwardly bunched due to the size of the furniture, “Sometimes I think she missed the old days. Her relationship with Juliette was complicated. They didn’t always get along.”

“Really?” I ask. That’s news to me.

“Yeah, they fought a lot. Girl stuff, I guess. Clothes and jewelry. Who had the most followers on ChattySnap. They were competitive, but I think they both knew they were more powerful if they presented a united front.”

“That actually makes a lot of sense,” Ozzy says. “And is kind of why I invited you all here tonight.” He pulls out a sheet of paper with a list typed down the front and passes it around. Ezra seems to have seen it before and waves it off. Finn and I lean together, and I skim the list. It’s facts about Rose’s disappearance and questions Ozzy has complied.

One thing jumps out and Finn says it before I get a chance.

“You saw her that night?” His tone is accusatory and directed at Ezra.

“Yeah, I did.”

“Why didn’t you say something?”

“I did.” There’s a defensive edge to his voice. “To the cops.”